[RELEASE] Enhanced HUD

Nice work. Hope release it :slight_smile:

pleaseeeee :dancer:

will you post the fix for ara skicreator? please

will you post the fix for ara skicreator?


I corrected the errors and made them work.
However, because the script is written too bad, too many errors can occur.

This script contains only Enhanced Hud - Menu


Release : https://github.com/abdulkadiraktas/menu


Thank you very much

release. Thank you

Hi there, thx for the release, but ive a problem with it. When i open the menu, i cant get out of it, it stucks with the mouse and the crosshair.

Sorry for my english, keep coding we love it♥

can you release it <3

This is a known bug, when the menu is open you should not open another menu. :frowning:

You are awesome, but it seems all have only one action


If you want to change. Edit .lua files.

Please release character creation and clothes features please please

Please guide me

book passes the configuration ui, html by fa

learn lua

Just look for animations and put them in, then edit all to your language and ur good to go. Easy Work thanks for the Menu

http://prntscr.com/ol6on8 = Wash Animation
http://prntscr.com/ol6oh3 = Repair Animation

Please release :slight_smile:

Thank you! I’ll try it right away!