[Release] EasyAdmin, an advanced & customisable Admin Menu + Discord Bot

where tf u put the webhook extensive documentation but no simple webhook in any config makes you set up an entire bot … cringe

are you stupid?

Hey how can I upload the easyadmin screenshots to my discord?

just read the docs…

I have the new and up to date yarn, for some reason it is telling me:

Error: [yarn] error @discordjs/builders@0.13.0: The engine “node” is incompatible with this module. Expected version “>16.9.0”. Got “12.13.0”

Any ideas?


Where can I find the server configuration file?

EasyAdmin has no Permission to write in the backups folder any can help me with it ?

likely your EasyAdmin folder has invalid permissions, the folder must be owned and writeable by the user that starts your server.

and how ?

What does “ea_enableTelemetry” actually mean? What is EasyAdmin Telemetry?

minor usage telemetry for easyadmin, reports some features people use/dont use, and general non-identifiable usage statistics, like # of users on a server, # of bans, easyadmin version, not that much, telemetry code is also open source, so you can check what’s being recorded yourself.

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[    script:EasyAdmin] EasyAdmin: Saving banlist backup failed! Please check if EasyAdmin has Permission to write in the backups folder!

how to give easyadmin permission to write please ?!

by giving the account your server is run under permission to write to its own folder.

I have the perms/aces allowed however im not seeing the revive option in my ESX-Legacy menu

Hello for some reason my detail-notification, report-notification, and moderation-notification don’t work I have everything set up correctly also I am getting these errors

SCRIPT ERROR in promise (unhandled rejection): Error: Expected token to be set for this request, but none was present

SCRIPT ERROR in event `playerJoining’: ReferenceError: EasyAdmin is not defined

Anyone know why?


still not usable with QBCORE?

still? it has never not been usable with qbcore, EasyAdmin is entirely standalone and is neither compatible nor incompatible with any framework.

Im trying to use the easyadmin Admin chat but when i do /staffchat nothing happens
It has been enabled and i have permission to use it. Any idea?

You ever figure this out? I’m currently having this issue