[Release] Dynamic Holsters (EUP support)

I actually just nutted when I saw this. @Jamelele1 you are a legend.


Does this work with multiple weapons? It only shows the combat pistol in the config, can I just add another one after it and it will work with that one too? Can I set up a separate set of belts with a taser (there’s one thats filled and one thats empty)?

@EvanM89 This only works with just one weapon at the moment and trying to add more will break the config. But adding support for additional weapons like tasers is something I’m willing to look at.

Great script! Is there anyway I can add an animation to this, replacing the standard holster and unholster animation?

Not currently, but adding animations is an option I’ve considered. However the animation wouldn’t match some of the holsters (like leg holsters), so I’d have to figure out a way to make that configurable.

Hey, nice script; however i cannot get it to work in my server.

Here is my config.lua

I have my holsters under “Neck/Scarves”, and the empty is 2, whilst 8 is the full.

Hi there, thanks for your enquiry, you seem to have missed a comma in the config which is most likely what’s causing your issues, as commas are required to separate elements of lists in lua. The line that says:

[8] = 2

should be:

[8] = 2,

You also have that same holster specified 2 lines below. I don’t actually know the outcome of duplicating holsters in the config, but that may also cause you issues and I’d only specify that holster once. If you’re using just default EUP, then it should already be set up for you.

Hope this helps.

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Yup, it worked. Must not have caught that lol, my bad.

Glad I was able to help!

I’m not sure if I should be asking this here. But I can’t find a full and an empty holster.
Due to this I cannot make this script work.
Any help would be appreciated!

This script is made to give functionality to peds that do have those different holster drawables, so if it doesn’t have them then the script won’t be any use.

Is there an explanation on how to sync this script with EUP? Also, I can’t find any good holsters for my server for the MP ped models. Do you recommend any in particular?

It should be set up for EUP already in config.lua, as long as the holsters haven’t changed or none have been added since I last updated it.

The holsters that come with EUP are pretty good, I’m not really in the loop on what else is out there though.

@Jamelele1 Is there a way to get multiple firearms to exit the holster so I can have it so the pistol also does the same thing along with the combat pistol?

Not currently, but I could certainly push an update to add compatibility for this :smiley:


Download here: https://github.com/Jamelele/holsters/releases/tag/v1.1.0

It’s been a while since an update to this, I’m still working on some other stuff, including animations. I know that this is a feature people are looking for, but I’d like to make it so that animations can be disabled for specific holsters (for ones that aren’t on the hip), which is proving difficult to implement in a way that’s backward compatible.

If you find any bugs then please open an issue on GitHub with details and steps to reproduce. Pull requests are always welcome and will be considered. Enjoy :heart:

Version Checking

Now the script will let you know when to update! If you really don’t like this, you can turn this off by setting version_check 'no' in fxmanifest.lua

Multiple Weapons Support

Thanks to @Collin_W for requesting.

This update adds support for multiple weapons in the config! You can now add any weapons you want to the list in config. The script will then change your holsters whenever any of the weapons specified are drawn, keep in mind that this is not configurable for specific holsters; support for that may come later.


If you really want to be fancy then you can use backticks, which retrieves the hash at compile time instead of runtime. Read more about this here: https://cookbook.fivem.net/2019/06/23/lua-support-for-compile-time-jenkins-hashes/


Don’t worry, this is still backward compatible with your old configs. The script will still interpret singular weapons like this as normal.

["weapon"] = "WEAPON_PISTOL"
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Hi, how to add animation for this script?

Has the animation came out yet?

I believe you are looking for this: [Release][ESX & Non-ESX] Holster Weapon

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