[Release][Dunko vRP V6.7 - OneSync Compatible] WORKS IN 2022 - Supports 15 languages - Zap Hosting NOW 20% DISCOUNT!

@Dunko, I wonder if you have a way to edit the payment system?
Because the salary of the personnel is going to the hand and would like that the payment went directly to the bank.

Another thing would be to put the bulletproof vest to the police.

Can you help me with that?

  1. Check the original vRP’s Wiki for how to change things like that mate. The link to the original thread is in my post.

  2. Use this FiveM-Scripts/vrp/vrp_armorshop at master · guicaulada/FiveM-Scripts · GitHub

Sorry for my stupidity, but I did not find this wiki you said, could you give me the link.
Thank you

Scroll down the readme for his tutorials

Is not from my mic setting or GTA, i test with my frinds and i don’t hear the voice.

Thanks a lot for the help.

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Yes that’s because you don’t have VOIP enabled in your GTA settings.

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How i can get the bounty hunter and Santa Job’s? i’m trying to set them but is not working…

K > Admin > Add Group > Database ID > Santa or Bounty Hunter (case sensitive)

Someone help me, I do not know how to activate this.

(Q: I’m trying to add a player to superadmin / mod, but it’s not working?

A: The most common response is that you are using a wrong ID, the vRP works with a non-ID of the server ID of the server. To find a player ID ID Press K> Admin> User List, show the online players and their database IDs.)

Hello Dunko again, first of all thank you for your effort to try to respond to everyone, I think attitudes like this take the community fiveM for the better!

So i was messing around with the code and i did something that made all the jobs from the city hall list disappear during the game, it is only showing unemployed.
I would like to know where can i find this part in the folders.
Where exactly the city hall jobs are being handle.
Thanks a lot!

It literally tells you what to do, step by step.

You’re welcome, you’ve messed something up in vrp/cfg/groups.lua mate

Here you are connecting in the steam forever, what do I do? I already put the hex on the white list.

Print: http://prntscr.com/iau5n8

Hello Dunko, can you help me translate these parts that are in the picture? Already been to this directory \vrp\cfg\lang, and everything is correctly translated into Portuguese but when I go to open the menu it appears in English so these 4 options. Thank you for the help and the excellent work you have done.

There must be errors in your CMD, without those I have no idea.


@Dunko you know why the blips ID:500 and ID:498 dont appear on map

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Nope, the blips are FiveM mate

Hi Dunko ! Where i can change the start money in hand and in bank?
And how i can make “Roles in chat” to use by groups? (ex: Superadmin) to show on chat like: " Superadmin Roly: textblablabla" ?
Beautiful edit ! GJ !

Hello Roly

Go to vrp/cfg/money.lua and you can edit it on line 5 and 6 the wallet

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Thanks, it worked, one more question, where i can buy the presents for the Santa Job? Thanks for the Help :slight_smile: