Thank you <3
Thanks <3 Good luck finding what you need
Thank you <3
Thanks <3 Good luck finding what you need
where can i edit the storage of the trunk of cars?
sorry, I don`t undestand, were I first connect?
Yes, Im the server owner, I
m using a ubuntu 16.4 VPS and MariaDB.
FIveM server is with the lastest version
you must search your server under direct connect. this is a safe from your server hoster, that you are the first person that connect to the server to get all admin rights
but I connect by the direct connect
connect with the rcon on your server and give you superadmin. then it should work.
Hi there. Can anyone help me with an anwser ? I want to “delete” buy option from garage… is any way to do this ? Thank you in advance !
you can do this when you know how to script.
vrp_phone does not work when I put it in this vrp version, why ?? - I edit the groups are the name and everything is that when I start and go on the server the works do not appear I edit in the groups.lua, is it necessary to make more changes?
I`ll try, but how can I give the permission with console commands?
You’d have to take it out of the server side lua, but what’s the point in a garage if you can’t buy cars lol?
What is vrp_phone? I can only support things that are in my pack mate.
can you help me with the problem of addind cops and admins? I try by the K menu but with no effect
how to disable spawn of weapons when entering some cars, and the minimap icon of players??
See FAQ’s in the main post.
This is already disabled in CustomScripts
My only advice is to re-read what he’s put, or learn LUA then come back.
Added Romanian translation.
is it anyway that i can change that you need to cuff some1 for sending them to prison (so i can send them to prison without cuffing them)
In wich Order can i add xml ?
dunko? how i can add mafia? please help me… and 1 more question. how can i change the ‘‘k’’ i mean phone to look different?
hi dunko,
Can not edit the blips on the map or add it I do not understand
How do I change the uber job vehicle? tanks