[Release] Disable Wanted Level

The citmp-server.yml is deprecated and doesn’t exist anymore.

You have to add start NeverWanted to your server cfg File


I am confused do I go put the AutoStartResources, add:
NeverWanted in the .CFG file?

If i want

  • AI find and kill Player!
  • AI kill each other

Would you recommend what I could do?

How can i remove ai Firetrucks and Paramedics

I don’t have a citmp-server.yml file

This is post from 2016, now you have it enabled by default

anyone find a way to disable wanted level for just melee attacks?

so i been working on something but I am at a road block

– Disable wanted level

		while true do

			local playerId = PlayerId()
			if GetPlayerWantedLevel(playerId) ~= 0 then
				SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerId, 0, false)
				SetPlayerWantedLevelNow(playerId, false)

what this does is keeps the wanted system working but limits the amount of max stars
what im wanting to add is have it check to see if a player cop is online. when cops are online it sets all the wanted levels to zero. if there are no cops online the max wanted level is 2

I am trying to incorporate

	if PlayerData.job.name == 'police'

in to this some how to get it going. any ideas?

have you ever figured out a way to do this?