[Release] Diamond Casino Blackjack

any way i can change the coords for the table?

So I have moved the coords to these locations in the expansion MLO of the casino. Having issues though the tables do not propmt you to play whatsoever. It did when it was in the teleported location which is odd.

New loc

    [0] = {
        dealerPos = vector3(1022.4490966797,49.041847229004,72.281265258789),
        dealerHeading = 99.55,
        tablePos = vector3(1015.583, 47.48662, 72.27604),
        tableHeading = 103.3035,
        distance = 1000.0,
        prop = "vw_prop_casino_blckjack_01"

Because they are poker tables. You need to change the prop to blackjack table.

Someone helps me, I’m having problems, all the tables inform that they are full, even I don’t try anyone on them

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Hi, I have set everything with my MLO casino and everything work fine but the chip and card are suspended over the table and I’m not able to find the vector to fix it … I need to fix the vector Z for chip and card … everything else is working fine

Thank you

UPDATE: Forget it i fix it … everything work like a charm now …!


same problem here

Thx ! It work for me, can i have information about the winrate ? Can i modify it ?

how do i do that?

Guys because i had the same issue, Robbster has answered and given us what interior he is using, if you guys havent changed anything, everything works perfectly. I have tried for hours for the casino i was using but it is compatible only with the given one. Cards, props, animations, all are working extremely fine and its crazy!!

Robbster you are crazy good developer man.


Please help I have this problem with DiamondBlackjack, how can I solve it?

yeah bro thx

same for me did you solve it?

I try to make a cashier for my casino to buy/sell casino_token
buy this is what happening when i want to open buy/sell menu

and this my menu function

please help me if u can TNX

in sv_blackjack
local blackjackTables
local blackjackTables = {

[0] == false,

[1] == false,

[2] == false,

[3] == false,

[4] == false,

[5] == false,

[6] == false, -- if u have 6 tables


i think it should solve ur problem

When I enter the casino I get this error in the F8 console

SCRIPT ERROR: @DiamondBlackjack/cl_blackjack.lua:351: attempt to call a nil value (global ‘blackjack_func_348’)
SCRIPT ERROR: @DiamondBlackjack/cl_blackjack.lua:105: attempt to call a nil value (global ‘setBlackjackDealerPedVoiceGroup’)

Anyone know what could be causing this?

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hi anyone can help me im getting a issue where i go to sit down with the handers to play and it says seat is already taken i know its not a map issue and im using the vrp version of this script any help?

The interior from YouTube seems to break parts of the freeway near Pillbox hospital as well as the tunnel textures right next to the same freeway so we removed it, have you noticed that?

Havent noticed any kind of this problem on my server.

            RageUI.Button("Acheter des jetons casino", "",{ RightLabel = "→→→" }, true, function(Hovered, Active, Selected)
                if (Hovered) then

                if (Active) then

                if (Selected) then
                    local tmpInput = getGenericTextInput("Combien de jetons ?")
                    if tonumber(tmpInput) then
                        tmpInput = tonumber(tmpInput) 
                        if tmpInput > 0 then
                           -- ESX.ShowNotification('Tu vas acheter '..tmpInput)
                            TriggerServerEvent('casino:achatChips', tmpInput)

            RageUI.Button("Echanger mes Chips", "",{ RightLabel = "→→→" }, true, function(Hovered, Active, Selected)
                if (Hovered) then

                if (Active) then

                if (Selected) then
                    local tmpInput2 = getGenericTextInput("Combien de jetons ?")
                    if tonumber(tmpInput2) then
                        tmpInput2 = tonumber(tmpInput2) 
                        if tmpInput2 > 0 then
                            --ESX.ShowNotification('Tu vas acheter '..tmpInput)
                            TriggerServerEvent('casino:venteChips', tmpInput2)

You are right, seems that its causing extremely bad issues outside from pillbox hospital, its breaking a huge freeway and graphic issues. Unfortunately, that is not fixable, my textures editor tried but couldnt find any broken files and areas.

What i did is disabling exterior, having old casino and just transferring the interior (vip room on top) underground.

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