[RELEASE] Custom Zones

Little confused by your question, you can and zones at your own coords in the config.

I mean , can you have different radius per zone coords? etc at the hospital radius is 50 and at the police station 80?

Yes you can!

I was wondering if it is possible to put 5 redzone points at the same time without getting 1 of each and how can I do that …


Hello my dear @Cloudy I have this problem on the minimap! Do you know how I can solve it?

in a zone can i allow only one weapon and disable all other weapons? only in that zone not in all map (sorry for bad english)

how to I add custom zones like i pick the location and radius

It is because you are using addon minimap right?

Hehh lol everything works fine currently running on my server I might have made mistake somewhere

in random_zones if you put some after in_zone == true doesn’t work, distance from radius return false everytime

use this in client for works

local ped = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1))
if Vdist(current_zone.coords.x, current_zone.coords.y, current_zone.coords.z, ped) < current_zone.radius then 
	in_zone = true
	in_zone = false

Or just replace:

local player_distance = GetDistanceBetweenCoords(player_coords.x, player_coords.y, player_coords.z, current_zone.x, current_zone.y, current_zone.z, false)


local player_distance = GetDistanceBetweenCoords(player_coords.x, player_coords.y, player_coords.z, current_zone.coords.x, current_zone.coords.y, current_zone.coords.z, false)

Thanks for pointing that out!


can you make a script with in this that allows or disables collisions for cars?

That’s what im trying to do

how to make it display always ?

iwant blips display all the time and dont change ?

Hello guys, can i just show the zone from jobs?

@Cloudy i have a question can you make the zone when people under on it people outside the zone cant see the people inside the zone

@Cloudy So I do not want the random redzone always up… Is there anyway I can change this to make the initial redzone disappear after 20 minutes and a new one pops up every 45… the new one being created is already a config option (timer)
timer = 30, – How often will the zone change (In Seconds). –
this can be used to created new one every 45 minutes how can i make it so that they disappear after 20

How do I square the static zone? Help.