[Release] Custom License Plate Image

Please do

if I do 5 files split crashes

Thank u, its working

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Hey there, sorry to hear about that. Unfortunately I still don’t have a better way of doing this, however I will continue to search for one, and keep you posted

@nathangladney I created a pull request on your git repo which updates all 5 plates with the same texture, if separate textures for each plate is needed you just need to duplicate these few lines

local object = CreateDui(imageUrl, 540, 300) -- Load image into object
local handle = GetDuiHandle(object) -- Gets DUI handle from object
CreateRuntimeTextureFromDuiHandle(textureDic, "UniqueTextureName", handle) -- Creates the texture "UniqueTextureName" in the "duiTxd" dictionary
AddReplaceTexture('vehshare', 'plate02', 'duiTxd', 'UniqueTextureName') -- Applies "UniqueTextureName" from "duiTxd" to "plate02" from "vehshare"

Just change UniqueTextureName to anything but it must be unique and make sure AddReplaceTexture() has the same name otherwise it will not change the texture.

Any issues let me know.

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can always do it like this also.

plates = {

for l, p in pairs(plates) do
    local txd = CreateRuntimeTxd("testing")
    local duiObj = CreateDui(p[2], p[3], p[4])
    local dui = GetDuiHandle(duiObj)
    local tx = CreateRuntimeTextureFromDuiHandle(txd, "test", dui)
    AddReplaceTexture("vehshare", p[1], "testing", "test")

GIT will be updated with the new file for multiple plates?


this works like a charm ty

NP happy to help

can everone say , to set the NPC etc KI Plate from 8 letter to 6 .?


I do like this but any plans on additional plates for vehicles?

Sick release man! Great job!


Is this server sided or client? is there a video explaining how to set this up?

@nathangladney Is that pull request (https://github.com/MASRPNathan-G/customplates/pull/1) going to be applied to the master ?

Great release, keep up the good work!

should i replace the whole plate.lua with this code ?

need a tutorial im too stupid for this pls.

or can someone upload a working plate.lua where i can download it?? with multiple different plates

This is the whole code. Change the URL to the images of the plates you want to be in game.

doesnt work for me… i replaced all the stuff in the plate.lua but the plates are still the old ones