Have you got any other player name resources? idoverhead
You have also stopped it? (If you deleted it whilst the server was running)
Have you got any other player name resources? idoverhead
You have also stopped it? (If you deleted it whilst the server was running)
I’ll check now for idoverhead!
But yes playernames is gone completely it’s not in our server.cfg startup.
Did you remove it when the server was already running? Did you restart it if you did?
@FAXES has even checked for problems in the server resources and can’t find anything…
I’ll start working on this again, I guess.
I am currently:
oo nice
Latest version can be found at:
Any bugs can be reported on this topic, same goes for any features you’d like to see with this resource.
My recommendati9n would be use the head display or gamer tag natives to display this, the 3D text can be annoying, slightly moving/bouncing.
Just a suggestion.
As far as I know, the MP Gamertag natives don’t show above the local ped’s head. So changing the looks would be difficult.
Well, this is surprising. This issue that was brought around nearly a year ago was caused due to a typo in a variable, and it still exists as of v1.1, currently going to push a quick hotfix that will ammend this issue for those users not using another script to hide the MP Gamertags created via Lambda or just online.
do you know how I can make it only ID?
Change the function where it is drawing text.
like, what would I put?
Show the draw text function you have, I’ll tell you what to change it to.
My __resource.lua doesnt work, it says it cant open it.
Using the latest stable download? Show a screenshot
Hn I will