[Release] CommandPack 1.0 | Pack of use full commands

We arent hating on you!!! We are only providing constructive criticism to tell you that you can do this in a much easier and faster way.

Please use the forum uploading system instead of external sites.

You can combine all of these into 1 single server file and then use the following for commands

RegisterCommand("911",function(source, args)
	TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', source, '^6 911: This is the police.')

With that you can type /911 to trigger.

Keep practicing and getting familiar with natives so your work becomes a lot easier.

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Thanks, I am new, I mean it works

(20 chars)

As per the PSA:

It’s okay to be new, but just because it works doesn’t mean there isn’t room for improvement! Keep on learning and check out other peoples releases so you can see how they accomplish similar projects.

Ok thank

I like a script and am using it in my server. I like the organization factor you have. No complaints

why dont you just use

server_scripts {
     "911.lua", ect

I Added you :slight_smile:

This is really cool I can’t wait to try this on my server!

I was reading over this and i dont want it to be client, i want it to be server wide so the other players can see that the members are doing that thing.

I’m pretty sure you can use register command from either client or server sided. You would just need to use ‘-1’ as the source to send the chat message to everyone.

Ok thanks

hey, gonna use this for my server thanks so much!

Could you tell me how to change colour as I dont fully understand what you mean by ^9 etc.

So ^6 is a colour, ^9 is a colour just keep testing them out until you find one you like for each

ah thanks, where do I put that, before the message or can I do it so anyone that types for example /911 is the same colour without telling everyone to put ^9 before it

Put the ^# in the quotation marks within the script itself, so it is a script thing :slight_smile: