[Release] Chopshop (Sell randomly selected Vehicles, for money)


This isn’t my best resource, but I most likely won’t use it much in my Framework, but it’s easy to setup and works easily, just plug and play… If you lilll devvys want to add a way to get paid then please see server.lua and add in a way to pay your players in there!

Firstly this system is not completely amazing and I will be updating it when I have time, I will also update the thread as I am at work at the moment :smiley:

But they idea of the script is for any type of server to involve thing for people to do, it’s simple! You go to circle in the Chop Shop Garage, press E and it will give you a vehicle to find, which you bring back and it gives you a reward (for eco servers, have to set this up btw :D) I have made this for Standalone so you guys can adapt it, to your servers “needs” please don’t ask me to make it for ESX or VRP or I will just sell your front teeth on eBay after I knock them out k.

This has a timer to stop people getting vehicles over and over again, so it’s a GREAT thing for eco servers, to stop them lil abusers :smiley: I will be updating this like I said sadly there is no screenshots at the moment as I am not on PC.
Alright enjoy message me on Discord or PM me on here for help

This is a download Link HERE RIGHT HERE!!!


fanks bai


Great job! Thanks for the release! Keep up the great work!

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Added Screenshots

It’s a problem, do not give money after you’ve given the car and just written
eg: http://prntscr.com/mk8mp0

yes because you need to SET THAT UP, it’s a standalone system ready for eco servers…

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Looking Fancy

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Seems like this doesn’t change the car that is requested. Same car until the script restarts, then again same car over and over.

I’ll investigate but it was working for me.

I’ve already fixed it and edited it quite a bit. Thank you though!

Righto well don’t think it needs a lot of editing

Where i can find the car? I mean i started the chop shop mission but i can’t find the car.
There is no blip for the car that need to be towed?

Lol! :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: it’s not designed to show you were it is… it’s not called Lazy Simulator! Go and find it, it’s a mission! lol seriously?


Just fixed the randomization on my end and also some chat tweaks and animation and timer on chopping.

May I ask how you fixed the randomization?

Yeah absolutely

local selectRandomVehicle = false

above the line “local timer = false”

and move “selectRandomVehicle = randomVehicles[math.random(1, #randomVehicles)]”
Below: timer = true
Above: “if selectRandomVehicle.model == “LANDSTAL” then”

That should fix it. I also added animation and a time for chopping so it’s not instantaneous.

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you are amazing <3 ty

Update 1.1

I have fixed the random selecting sorry for delay I have been working alot :smiley:

Pretty sure you can chop any vehicle in the list without getting it requested. Tells me to go get a adder and i can bring a panto and sell the panto for the panto price.

Broken, not working for me - v1 had notifications for payment, v2 - random vehicles selection - check, but no notification after that and script stops dead with error in the console …

should be fixed now try it, im not currently at home to be able to test any of this but download the newest version from git