[Release] Bloody screen (v1.3)

That error indicates that esx doesn’t recognize the call “SetPedIsDrug”. There would probably also be a error message in esx_status. Would be nice if you could find that.

alrighty, im dead on my feet ill try to find it tomorrow, i did not see something in esx_status but ill double check :slight_smile:

There have been some updates to FiveM due to the GTA V summer update. Make sure your fxserver is up to date. That beeing said could you check if the drugeffects still work without my mod?

yep they are working, its actually been a while since I updated Im so worried its going to break more than it would fix hahah. Heck I don’t even know what version im running right now

Changelog v1.2:

  • Added an optional secondary screen and audio effect (“RaceBoost”) with configurable health threshold.

  • Added a configurable heartbeat soundeffect with dynamic playback speed and volume.

  • Adjusted default values for the config.

  • Fixed instances of effects playing when dead or afterwards.

is this working with esx 1.1?

Maybe not if you use drugeffects but that should be fixed.

Changelog v1.3:

  • Added the option to change the main screen effect.

  • Added some presets for the config file.

  • Fixed the main screen effect not working in first person for the default setting.

Just to let you know, i have released a new version. Is it working fine with esx so far?

I don’t know why, I started it and the screen was always red

as soon as i put this in my screen is red even at 100% health and the config is a little confusing

Check the console for potential errors or conflicts with other resources. Otherwise you want to look at those settings:

--At what percantage of health (minus deadhealth*) should the static effect start? (0.0 - 1.0):
	config.percentagestaticeffecthealthfraction = 1.0
	--Effect strength multiplier for static health indicator:
	config.staticindicatorstrengthmultiplier = 0.3

ya know… literally just had to follow instructions LOL . i didnt put in the tcm from the console like it said to excuse me its early here. thank you

what instructions?

--The timecycle modifier index to check for:
	--	First set the config.tcmEffect then start the resource
	--	and read the index from the client console and insert it here.
	config.tcmIndex = 58

i have 100% of health and my screen look like this, someone can help me?

Follow the instructions inside the config file when making changes to the timecycle modifier.

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May i just ask how you did set the minimap to be in the top left corner like in preview? Ik its random but i havent found a way to do that yet. Nice script btw

Create a script and add this…

SetMinimapComponentPosition("minimap", "L", "T", -0.0045, -0.022, 0.210, 0.258888)
SetMinimapComponentPosition("minimap_mask", "L", "B", 0.0, -0.65, 0.210, 0.258888)
SetMinimapComponentPosition("minimap_blur", "L", "T", -0.04, -0.058, 0.370, 0.337)

If you’re gonna try and adjust those values make sure to line up the mask and blur properly. You might have to run this every frame.

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thx pal, apprecciate it

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