[Release][Beta] WeaponOnBack v0.2.4 (with Tint/Components) - Updated at 2019/05/07

Sorry I don‘t catch your point. Could you please explain on more?

you should make an option for a command instead, like /strap or for pistols /holster

If you know simple lua anyone can make a command… :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m running OneSync with ~64 players. Some of the guns look fine on the client’s side however for other clients will be multiple “feet” away. There is also a significant delay for the updating of the position of the gun for other players. On my screen, it looks fine.

I’m sorry but currently not consider to add more commands to player. It just makes thing more complicated.
Till now, it’s up to server owner to choose display weapon objects or not.

Thanks for report those issues. I don’t have such a big player base for testing stuff and could be great help with your reply.

It seems more of sync issues. However I cannot estimate what’s wrong according to your description.
Could you please upload video or image of those “lagged”?

Do you still issue the problem? CakeArmy_Max report some sync issue below. Sync should work but with issues.

ah dang, okay thanks for letting me know.

how do u check individual ms like that?

I still have the problem, see the prints below
I: https://prnt.sc/nkohkj
She: https://prnt.sc/nkohs9

resmon 1 (true)
resmon 0 (false)

I’m also having this error when player dies appears this console F8
and also I am with same problem that member posted previously of player not being able to see me with armament in the back

http://prntscr.com/nkrx3u - I with the guns
http://prntscr.com/nkrxdn - He sees me like this

Hi, if you’d like you can hop on and take a look. Send me a PM if you’d like the IP

Thx, I’ll figure out what’s the problem.

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I’ve tried to fix sync issue and it’s updated. Feel free to give it a try :slight_smile:
If sync condition is still bad when many players online, I’ll have to schedule time with you to do test and need more research to resolve this issue, thanks for your help XD.

Updated - 2019-05-07

v0.2.4 (2019-05-07)
  • Add weapon re-attach timer schedule, which might be help to fix sync issue.
v0.2.1 (2019-05-06)
  • Add client-specified attachment offset (can adjust offset per weapon) with command.
  • Trying to fix sync issue.
  • Fix some bugs (Thanks for you guys reporting from FiveM community :stuck_out_tongue: )

Hi, here’s a GIF of what happens. This is the latest version and on OS.

Thanks for the test.
It seems cannot directly use sync provided by FiveM by default, and I need to do weapon creation on every client side.
This must be a hard job to be done, so be patience for next release :slight_smile:

This script has been totally rewritten and re-release here.