[RELEASE] BCSO Sheriff Pack | American Flag | NON-ELS | ALL-BLUES

Whats the New Folder for in sheriff2?

nice :kissing_heart:

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You can delte that folder, its a small mistake

The sirens 100% work,

Can a moderator please move this to #development:releases

Check out also my new pack: https://forum.cfx.re/t/release-sa-dot-pack-santrans-non-els

do you happen to have the templates?
Edit: Or can you send links to the original vehicles for templates

If you semd my yr di**cord tag and name i will pm them to you

you need lux vehicle control.

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Another one here

its chevy tahoe, not ford.

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Lmao i just saw that he will have to fix it XD

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new to this does this work in ESX?

It’s a vehicle pack, work on anything on fiveM

Ups fixed xD thank u for letting me know

Sound does not work for me as well.

You are then doing something wrong, works 100%

before u tell me i am doing things wrong… make sure your metafiles are correct

They are I use my pack in my server

Hi there, just a few notes on this pack. 1. the LOD on the Crown vic lightbar and the corvette are both shot. 2. the FPIU flips on any turn over 20 MPH and the Tahoes windows are completely blacked out even on the lowest tint setting.