[RELEASE] Badssentials (Your essential HUD script) (Revive/Respawn Script) {ALL IN ONE}

Can i do this ?

add_ace group.Admin Badssentials.Bypass.Revive allow
add_ace group.Admin Badssentials.Bypass.Respawn allow
add_ace group.Admin Badssentials.Announce allow

add_ace group.Mod Badssentials.AOP allow
add_ace group.Mod Badssentials.PeaceTime allow

pls help

I got this error someone please help me

same for me have you fix i yet ?

so where in the server.cfg do i add these perms

Everytime I go to edit the config.lua it doesn’t work. I am not sure what to do?

I installed this and every command works and all , but the Hud doesn’t show.

im getting this error

I am confused on how to add the permissions

is there away i can change the time to uk

Hey buddy any way i can add my current postal map to this script instead of OCRP? im jusing the new postal code map an how do i set different AOP names and coords?

how did you do that?

how do u change the text color

How I make It Purple

late af but thanks for putting that, i was struggling so hard

you do ~(first letter of color)~ so if you wanted white, it would be ~w~ or if you wanted purple it would be ~p~

add_ace group.admin badssentials.AOP allow --This allows specified users in “group.admin” to use the /aop command, to allow more people to do it C & P the command but change “group.admin” to a different group such as “group.moderator”

When I do /aop /pt etc nothing happens no error message nothing. My config is all setup


Was just wondering if there’s any alternatives for this resource due to it running really high in my opinion compared to other resources. And if there isn’t any alternatives is there a way for me be able to edit the .dll files to attempt to optimise the resource?

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There is no dll files for this script?..

i put my own spawn thingy and i dont spawn there with this aop thing