[Release] Auto Merge Vehicles

I just used it for 150 vehicles it seems to work well but I have 50 vehicles that no longer work

Can you please add an feature to move unmerged vehicles to generated folder and keeps the program working without displaying an error


could you give your file to me?. I’ll add it in next update

Hello there, first of all, really nice work. I have a question, and I didnt see the answer for this one. What if I have cars without txdrelationship? What happens with them? Thanks!

it’s still merged

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cars dont spawn i started the resource but still doesnt spawn

I merged my cars. I had no errors. I ran the new resource and none of them spawn?

How did you stream custom sound? (for example custom turbo sound) :confused:

I really cannot explain how long its been since I started looking for something like this and ITS ACTUALLY HERE AND IT JUST SAVES EVERYONES TIME AND OMFG Thank you so much this actually means alot and I will use this application as a gift and keep it in my heart! :laughing: :laughing:

I honestly don’t know cause my carcols.meta didn’t print out combined what so ever…

theres an error about txdRelationships wtf…?

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Thank you for sharing :+1:

so much cars that are just not working

Thank you
so much cars that are just not working of 93

only 2 work

Why merge the meta files? This serves no real purpose and just makes it harder to debug when you mess something up.

You can specify more than one data file of a given type in the manifest, and it’s really easy to do this in mass by using the globbing feature.

For example, you could have a folder for each car that would contain vehicles.meta, handling.meta, carcols.meta, etc. and just specify this in the manifest.

files {

data_file 'HANDLING_FILE' 'data/**/handling.meta'
data_file 'VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE' 'data/**/vehicles.meta'
data_file 'CARCOLS_FILE' 'data/**/carcols.meta'
data_file 'VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE' 'data/**/vehiclelayouts.meta'
data_file 'VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE' 'data/**/carvariations.meta'

This will mount each data file individually and makes it a lot easier to add/remove cars.


after merge all vehicle files like handler or car variaition it be like that https://prnt.sc/sepkfs
and merged vehicle notepad file like that https://prnt.sc/sepmrz

does not work. every single file is left blank

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can we get a response from the person who made this plz as this messes up alot of vehicles