It’s just for “good practice” it’s like using CamelCase and snake_case all in the same project, it’s not “ideal”
I was so close!!! SO VERY CLOSE! The playerID portion in the server side is all I was missing. I just had source and no local xPlayer=. Can you tell I’m not a dev
Thanks again my friend, you are awesome!
We are VERY happy that you liked it
Minor issue I was able to figure this out myself, but zero clue if it’s the right way to do things. The error was attempt to index nil value ESX.
I added the following line above the Esx.RegisterUsableItem in the server file and now it works:
TriggerEvent(‘esx:getSharedObject’, function(obj) ESX = obj end)
Yes, you need to get the ESX object to work, so it is necessary to call the event you made, tell me if it works correctly
It does, the server code I added is just this for anyone who comes along with the same request.
ESX.RegisterUsableItem(‘tablet’, function(playerId)
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(playerId)
TriggerClientEvent(‘lg: openTablet’, playerId)
So is everything alright? haha
Perfect ! if you need it, we are here!
In the future will you make it compatible with QBCore?
We still don’t have plans to make it compatible with qbcore
where do i change the actual hacker codes like harddecode --login root --password PASSWORD_HERE i cant seem to find it
We ship in your private
ty i appreciate it
Back again lol. Players are asking for a way to delete races. Maybe can be added to next update if there was going to be one?
We’ll think maybe in the future
Looking forward to this once the racing app has more features.
same here