[Release] /911 Command for RP Servers

911 Command

Download Here

Installation Instructions

Unzip into the resources folder
Add - 911 to your citmp-server.yml

How to use

Type /911

Virus Check: Here


Ayyyy, sweet! Also, didnt realize this was you till i clicked yoututbe channel xD

1 Like

Sorry but already exist x) and not optimized

I couldn’t find one anywhere that didn’t require Essential Mode

Could you do also do one for /dispatch? This is fantastic since our server doesn’t run essential mode.

If you want a dispatch command as well, use this code:

AddEventHandler('chatMessage', function(source, name, msg)
	sm = stringsplit(msg, " ");
	if sm[1] == "/911" then
		TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', -1, "911 | " .. name, { 255, 0, 0 }, string.sub(msg,5))

AddEventHandler('chatMessage', function(source, name, msg)
	sm = stringsplit(msg, " ");
	if sm[1] == "/911d" then
		TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', -1, "911 [Dispatcher] | " .. name, { 255, 0, 0 }, string.sub(msg,6))

function stringsplit(self, delimiter)
	local a = self:Split(delimiter)
	local t = {}
	for i = 0, #a - 1 do
		table.insert(t, a[i])
	return t

how would you do to make the 911 message show to all police on duty that uses the job system

I can’t seem to get this to work on vRP/FX… I get client scheduler error

how do you take out the name in dispatch without messing up the code? I have deleted name, put noname in the spots and yet the name still pops up… I just want it to say Dispatch

Mine still works and im on FX

Not sure, feel free to edit it and give credit

looking for file but mediafire says it was removed