Closed,This menu is being discontinued

Closed,This menu is being discontinued…


60 quid ahahahahaa


i’ll give you 20


It looks really good I got to admit but damn, 60$, that is expensive.

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its 50 usd. i have never sold any scripts ever so iam new to this. so iam unaware of price going on this market. and can anyone help me how to setup a post picture of threads? iam new to this

A lot of people are cheap, and don’t see the value of code.
-But you have to think about, if the price is maybe 20, and 10 people buys it, then it’s 200 bucks. Where maybe only 1 or 2 will give 50 for it.

I think it’s worth the 50, but have to think about price*sales.

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Okay I love it and I know much hard work goes into making this. With that being said, at a lower price you will make more sales in a shorter time resulting in more money. Lower it to 15 and ill buy it in a jiffy. Many others will too.




even 40$ and all you show is 2 pictures? damn.
wait this is just a menu. i thoight it would bring the functions.


it has vehicle build

First release jumping straight in for the big bucks, my advise would be to release smaller stuff for free, get a bit of a reputation behind you then start releasing paid resources.

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what functions? theres only a picture of it.

ok so after a while i have decided to keep the price at 30$(USD).
and here is the video of the menu. the quality might be low because of my shitty pc


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not really first. i did post my inventory you can see that on the top

thats how you do it. people have now a clear view.

Debating on it but not 100% sure yet.

30$ is still too much. I’d make it 15$ max.

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looks cool but i dont understand the purpose if it being paid if all it is is just a menu with nothing else

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jquery… bad

Its not just a menu. It has an option for jobs. It has an option to support dp emotes. And it has vehicle function to open doors,hood,trunk