I’d be interested too
Thank you for letting us know! Will fix it right away!
Here is a link to the discord directly. https://discord.gg/6SFeQ3m
https://discord.gg/6SFeQ3m Sorry about that… I didn’t understand.
Liam we re-posted the link. We apologize for our mistake.
Bumping this post!
The city is nearly done and ready for release!
Great community the teasers have been amazing!
Every day is one step closer
Community Meeting before release in 1 HOUR! Come join if interested! We want to hear your thoughts and ideas for development before release!
Amazing first community meeting yesterday!
Cannot wait for the server to officially launch !!! Soon !!!
We are growing so fast thank you everyone!
Looks to be a very good server
The server is coming along very nicely!
Bumping !