Discussion on female MP meta ped outfit data

This is indeed a weird in-game logic. Long story short, meta ped outfits (MetaPedOutfit struct) have fullOutfit flag, which basically reset player’s morph (but actually affects everything that somehow related to expressions system) on apply. But for whatever reason R* only do this against remote players.

So why mp_male works and mp_female is broken? Thing is default outfit (indexes as 0, used in “default outfit” native as well) for mp_female for whatever reason uses this flag, not allowing to properly sync expressions. What’s the solution? – Use outfit index that doesn’t have this flag enabled, for example 7.

Citizen.InvokeNative(0x77FF8D35EEC6BBC4, PlayerPedId(), 7, true)

Please note that randomly pasting this code won’t help, make sure you’re doing it everytime after setting player model (mp_female) and you properly handle meta ped components (i.e. removing them before applying), so it won’t end up with mess.

For more information look at meta ped .#mt files, you can find some in packs_0.rpf\packs\base\data\metapeds.


Do you know if it should be added at the beginning before applying the features or at the end?

Yeah i’ve been having this issue for a long time.

I really hope it can be resolved, I love to RP my characters and each time I see a screen shot of a cool scene in game, I see what others see and it really makes me want to just stop playing.

I play a whole range of different characters and when I see this sorta thing, after I put so much effort into making the looks of all my characters, to suit them, I spend so long and then all anyone sees is some hot garbage, then yeah, I just dont want to play at all.

This is what I see

this is what they see

This issue has been resolved already, and it is now up to individual server owners to implement the fix themselves. You should contact the owner of the server you’ve been playing on.


I mean kind of your not sating where to add that code at , just the code and it fixed it, No real answer on the file or where to change it.

As said, there can’t be any generic answer. This is a the base game’s mechanic, not ours.
You either research how your server works yourself or ask someone who’s more experienced to help you with your specific setup of frameworks and resources.

Easiest way is try to find where 0x77FF8D35EEC6BBC4 is called and try to edit it to use a different outfit for mp_female peds. However there’s no guarantees you won’t break anything, it’s really heavily dependent on a framework you’re using.

Just a quick administrative notice: I moved this out of Bug Reports and into RedM Discussion and changed the topic title from ‘RedM Devs, it’s possible your female models are broken on ALL servers!’ to the current one.