RebellionRP | Hiring EMS & LSPD | Custom Cars| Fun Jobs | Active Staff

Who We Are

RebellionRP is a upcoming community with lots of fun activities to do, loads of jobs, and an active staff.
We strive to keep our community the best of the best and we have lots of events I.E Car shows, Air shows, Races, and loads of other things to come, Join Us Today!

Why should I join?

RebellionRP has many different departments to choose from and a very active community. We push our members to create long and enjoyable roleplays, while also ensuring that they stay realistic.

Members can be a part of our LSPD! all it takes is just a few minutes for an application and some training . We also have an active and experienced staff team and development team whose goals are to improve the community to the best of their ability, and provide all members with a fair and fun environment. The staff team is trained to be fair while dealing with situations and ensure the best outcome for both parties involved while making sure the outcome is appropriate. Our development team is always updating the server and making RebellionRP the best it can be.

Los Santos Police Department [LSPD] :policeman:
Los Santos Medical Department [LSMD] :policeman:
Staff Team [ST] :microphone2:

What we offer

Many departments to choose from :briefcase:
Active Staff and Members :performing_arts:
Experienced Staff Team :man_judge:
Active Giveaways :money_with_wings:
Active Developers :computer:
Experienced Department Heads :man_astronaut:

Server Discord : RebellionRP - FiveM
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