ReaperzRP - 18+ immersive server - Hiring PD/EMS - Allowlisted - Player-owned businesses - Imports - City-wide events

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Welcome to ReaperzRP, where your imagination drives your story!

Please take a moment once you’ve joined to read the rules of our city.

Join our Discord and become allowlisted. You can fly in within 15mins.

What is ReaperzRP?
We’re an 18+ RP community that opened in September '22, started by a couple of friends who have seen the best and worst of other communities and decided to give it a go ourselves.

We pride ourselves in curating a fully immersive & serious roleplay experience for all, so whether you’re an experienced role-player or starting out your story and need help breaking into the role-play world, we hope we can be that place for you!

:white_check_mark:Serious and Immersive RP

:white_check_mark:Active & Supportive Community

:white_check_mark:Round The Clock Development Work

:white_check_mark:Active & Experienced Admins / Support Members

What does ReaperzRP have to offer you may ask?

A wide selection of Import Vehicles :red_car:

Player-driven server economy. :money_mouth_face:

Hidden Drugs :pill:

Custom Housing & Interiors :house_with_garden:

Player Owned Businesses :bar_chart:

Active Police & EMS :policeman::hospital:

Whitelisted Gangs :gun:

Starting Apartment :derelict_house:

Starting Cash $20k :heavy_dollar_sign:

Local Jobs easily accessible to earn some early money :hammer_and_pick:

Free Lucky Wheel spin daily :gem:


Are you wanting to own a business in our fine city or work at one? We have plenty of opportunity to expand your horizon and give your services in the whole of Los Santos. Maybe you’re looking for a whitelisted position and work for the government? Fly in to see for yourself and work your way to management or even entrepreneurship!

LSPD - including Air One, K9, GIU, Moto Unit and other certs
Pillbox Medical (EMS)
Department of Justice (DOJ)
Burger Shot
Pizza This
Melody’s Mechanics
Hayes Mechanics
Tuners Body Shop
Benny’s Body Shop
and many more to come and to be owned!

Criminal Roleplay

Is your story of a hardened criminal? We have plenty of things that your criminal can do to start their enterprise such as jewelry heist, Fleeca bank robberies, and larger scores with plenty of items to be obtained. Skill-based heists which give you more chance to prove yourself. Have yourself a standoff with police and negotiate your way out to a chase.

Are you ready?

Does this sound like the city and community that you would be interested in joining? Do the things we mentioned spark some interest? Please join the discord and get allowlisted today! Look forward to see every new person and becoming apart of our awesome community!


Been apart of the Community from the start, I one of the people that helped started the process with Khyddin and Rage.

I have a lot of stories continuing over in the city from previous cities. But have new stories starting to progress my character develop overall as still learning new things to this day.

I mainly have played Criminals and LSPD characters but I have new ones to get a new set of skills under my belt etc.

Below is some of my characters that have developed stories from a few cities/states

This community was my bright idea, haha. I saw how other cities had functioned, the good and the bad, and I got to a point where I just wanted a place of my own. And so, Project Ghost was born, named for one of my characters. A solo project at first, I eventually let my two admins in on the hustle, and between us and our beta testers, we muscled through so many things to get up and running.

We then became ReaperzRP, and launched on 16th September 2022.

Since then, we’ve had our ups and downs, but this community is something I am proud of.

Many of my characters stories from previous cities continue here, and some new faces have popped up as well.

Come and say hi to them, we’re waiting!

Pictured - Melody Johns

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Pictured: Sif Malone & Vince McKeys

Our locals are something special sometimes. They decided to fight one another after we bumped into them. Oops :wink:

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Upcoming Events

Boxing on the 31st

More to come in the future!


Daily Bump!!

Also Ellooo hope to see some wonderful face’s/people :slight_smile:


The local drugs trade might be picking up :eyes:

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Couple of pictures from yesterday’s event. A nice right to end with a knockout.

Pictured: Freja McCormack, Resident

Come and speak to our Medical staff for any medical advice, treatment, or just to hang out! Though, we might have to disappear any moment for ejecto-seato incidents… XD

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Oh yeah, our VU’s open as well ;D

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Daily bump time!

Local Poser showing off, Daily Bump!

We celebrated the recent Holiday of Easter Sunday!

One of our great community members showing off the Easter Bunny

Burger Shot Pub Quiz!

We regularly hold events, if you want to join us, head to our Discord to become allowlisted and head right in!


Just saying, our Burger Shot looks amazing… Don’t you want to visit?

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Pictured: Zach Phillips, Jack Johns & River Taylor-Johns

Catching up with friends is sometimes the best use of an evening. Just hanging out, appreciating the city and the people in it. Most of them anyway XD

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One of EMS peeps just going through a rough time!

We are also seeking EMS & LSPD!


Pictured: Lilith “Ghost” Evans, Governor

This is my city… My only hope…

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