Realistic Axon Body Camera

no, it has to be added to the server’s resources

This script is awesome! But I do have a question. Is it possible to change the beep sound effect? I found where it is in the RCPMenu.html, but when I try to change the link, the sound stops altogether. Any advice? (not a programmer)

hmm it might just be that it’s really quiet so you didn’t hear it so try changing the volume but it’s probably that the URL isn’t pointing to a file, it needs to end with .wav, .mp3 or .aac. If its an mp3 or aac and still isn’t working try changing the code to var beep = new Howl({src: ["urlhere"],format: ["mp3","aac"]});

Maybe I’m uploading the file incorrectly. It still doesn’t make any sound when I change it. Is there a specific site I’m supposed to upload the file to get the url to work? So far I’ve tried youtube, dropbox, and google+, but that doesn’t feel like the right way to do it. Thank you for responding and helping me with this.

Its probably because of the url again. What you can do is download the file, add it to the folder and then in the fxmanifest add file "examplefile.mp3" then just make the src the same name as the file.

I managed to get the sound file to work last night. Thanks again for your help. We love the script!

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Lost a few brain cells from seeing this one.

Would love to see you integrate with the new body cam resource which includes recording [IIS] Body Worn Video | BWV | Bodycam Resource | Custom UI - #2 by Livvux - Releases - Community

I could have added the recording before, I did consider it originally but it just makes no sense to have as 1 using the rockstar editor disconnects you from the server you’re on and you would have to rejoin/requeue, 2 the video capacity of the rockstar editor isnt very big and 3 a lot of people record/stream their game so have the video already as its needed for player reports as well as content creation

i really want to play i dont know how

Someone made a bodycam script where when recording from the bodycam POV the footage goes to rockstar editor.

will this work to vrp

yes, should do

@RCPisAwesome Is it possible to turn the cam UI on and hide the buttons after it?

Yes that is how it should work, if they’re not hiding there might be an issue

how can I change the location of the pictures and text from the top right to the bottom right?

you would have to change the CSS for all the elements, I didn’t make an easy way to do it

Hey i see i am a little bit late, but is it possible to make it that you can use the bodycam in thirdperson? Because when i pu “allowthirdtoggle” on its still only go on in first person.

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is this standalone as well?

Yes, this resource has no dependancies