Real Inspired Automatic Sphygmomanometer For EMS

Real Inspired Automatic Sphygmomanometer

You will encounter an interface when you use it. The device is turned off. If you press the button in the middle for the first time, it will open. If you press it a second time, it will start measuring the blood pressure of the person next to you. The results are displayed on the screen after the measurement is completed.

Two measurement modes. :
Realistic → You understand with your own knowledge only by seeing.
Arcade → It will show you whether the result is good or bad as a notification.

Usage :
1 - You can use it by adding it to your server as an item.
2 - When you click the button in the middle twice, the engine in it starts pumping air. Wait until the value on the screen reaches 240. Then it will automatically start to empty the air.
3 - Wait until the weather descends. After the weather is over, he will make the measurement and write the result on the screen.

– Do not forget to train your ems for a good role experience.
– Base: esx - qb (discord support)
– Config file : measurement mode and langue options

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 281
Requirements interact-sound
Support Yes My discord : Furkann#9525

Access (100% Open Source)
Preview : 2023 05 05 20 48 06 - YouTube (The video is for preview purposes and measures the values of other players without problems.)
Tebex (18$+tax) For ESX:
Tebex (18$+tax) For QB:

There will be frequent updates. You can contact me via Discord.

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missing tamplate base fix it please my man


you right yes in subscription base but its an open soure WTF how it can be an open source and subscribtion base


is this only works on client see this or other player also can see it?

i bougth your script but your dms are closed

Okey now open

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still not open the private message

also missing oog files yeah

send friend req

you blocked my discord for some reason really don’t know why but yes

No my dm’s off

OMG this is exactly what i had in mind when i commented on your last post this is so nice it would be nice if the patient could also see it and hear it but cant interact with it. would add to their experience aswell.

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