[RE-RELEASE] esx_eden garage2: 3 in 1 garage

then your natives aren’t correctly being used

What do you mean @Jager_Bom

hi i have a problem with esx_eden_garage_updated:

  • when a player has a car in deposit he can’t take the other car ;
  • when they pay for deposit it doesnt despawn the car; is there a way for fix it?

How can I get this in English? anytime I convert it, it breaks my entire server and I have to use a backup.

Hello can someone help me with this error ??

I got same error

The weirdest thing that works normally, I also missed a marker option

I heard there was a Eden Garage 3 script, where does one find that?

there is no version 3 atm :thinking:

amazing script just one gripe, everytime the script/server restarts it sends all the cars from the impound back into peoples garages, so people dont pay the impound they just leave it until the restart. Anyway to force pay the impound fee when the script restarts or stop them from leaving the impound. Thanks in advance

comment mysql ready

still got that issue ?

Hello. Does anyone have an English translation for this wonderful resource?

I just submitted a pull request on the github that was just accepted for eden_garage2. It moved the server and clients luas into server and client folders and renamed them to main. It also includes the new locales folder with a new setting in the config to change to different translations.

Current translations are only english and french. Was testing on my dev server and was not getting any errors client or server side. So should be good. Also includes new sqls both for french and english. Be sure to only run either the french or english sqls not both.

Where do I put the code from you’re pastebin-link? I want that it stores engine health when I park it in

can save vehicle damage ?

How do I change marker

is it possible to use the real impound instead of the yellow markers by the garages?

In your client, find lines

exports.ft_libs:AddArea("esx_eden_garage_area_"..k.."_garage", {

and change marker type :

		exports.ft_libs:AddArea("esx_eden_garage_area_"..k.."_garage", {
			marker = {
				rotate = true,
				weight = v.Marker.w,
				height = v.Marker.h,
				red = v.Marker.r,
				green = v.Marker.g,
				blue = v.Marker.b,
				type = 27,

Do this for each marker you want to modify.


It does.

Go to es_extended\client\functions.lua and add those lines :

		bodyHealth      = GetVehicleBodyHealth(vehicle),											
		engineHealth    = GetVehicleEngineHealth(vehicle),				
		fuelLevel       = GetVehicleFuelLevel(vehicle)					


		modWindows        = GetVehicleMod(vehicle, 46),
		modLivery         = GetVehicleLivery(vehicle, 48),

and add :

	if props.bodyHealth then
		SetVehicleBodyHealth(vehicle, props.bodyHealth + 0.0)

	if props.engineHealth then
		SetVehicleEngineHealth(vehicle, props.engineHealth + 0.0)

	if props.fuelLevel then
		SetVehicleFuelLevel(vehicle, props.fuelLevel + 0.0)

after :

ESX.Game.SetVehicleProperties = function(vehicle, props)
	SetVehicleModKit(vehicle, 0)

	if props.plate then
		SetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle, props.plate)

	if props.plateIndex then
		SetVehicleNumberPlateTextIndex(vehicle, props.plateIndex)