[RE-RELEASE] esx_eden garage2: 3 in 1 garage

we can do noting about cheat engine ‘engine’ hacks unfortunatly

Hi there, thanks for the script, but i’m still struggling to script a code that doesn’t let you store a vehicle if broken or under 800 health, can you help me please? Thanks

any fix to this problem?

Yes, don’t try to add state since MySQL is telling you that you already have it.

Did you fixed if? If yes how?

He was starting the dependency ft_libs after the garage when any dependency needs to be started before the resource that requires it.

can someone help me to change garage location? i tried change x,y,z in config.lua but nothing happen.

nevermind. i need to restart the server and its showing. before this i just restart the resource. lol

Hey guys, I’m a newbie on sql. Would anyone be kind enough to show me how you set up the table owned.vehicles to make eden garage work?

I ask you this because when I go to the red circle with a purchased vehicle I get the inscription press E, but if I push the button the horn sounds and nothing happens! help me !!!

Hii, when i press E on the red zone, the console show me 1 error in db, “Unknown column ‘id’ in ‘where clause’” plz update.

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Have you installed ESX_VehicleShop?

Solved :slight_smile: thank you anyway

Is anyone else having issues when trying to get a car from a garage??? When press E nothing happens but error.

What’s wrong? why when I press And nothing happens?

i have a problem that if i put a vehicle in the garage it works fine but u can take out as many times as u want it just keeps duplicating , anyone knows how to fix it?

when u in Owned vehicles, press Data rab on HeidiSql
and try clearing some cars if you owned them, i deleted all mine and then it sorta worked

when i try to add a new garage the blip doesnt appear on the map! isnt just needed to change config.lua and add new garage location and a garage with blip would be created??? am i missing something

iv noticed that the impund “yellow circle” is the one that adds a blip to a map and shows as a garage, i saw a recourse somewhere where u can add custom blips to a map

ye its like

Garage_Centre = {

Pos = {x=215.800, y=-810.057, z=30.727},

Marker = { w= 1.5, h= 1.0,r = 204, g = 204, b = 0},
Name = ‘Garage’,
HelpPrompt = “Appuyer sur ~INPUT_PICKUP~ pour ouvrir le garage”,
Functionmenu = OpenMenuGarage,

that quoted part is the part that should define the blip… when i add a new garageat airport to save airplanes users bought from airplane shop it says 15/15 garages on map legend, but blip doesnt appear where i created it