[RC-SCRIPT] | RC-Mail Delivery | FiveM - ESX Framework |



  • Delivery Mails in Los Santos
  • Big Config (Payout,Coords,Vehicle,Packages, …)
  • Custom HTML/CSS Alert
  • Deliver multiple packages at a time
  • No IP locked
  • Open Code
  • Server Optimal (Idle - 0.01ms , Working - 0.03ms)



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More Stuff
:package: RC-Ramazon Delivery Service
:iphone: RC-Blackphone
:art: RC-NFT
:bookmark_tabs: RC-Vote
:oncoming_automobile: RC-Vehicle Shop
:oncoming_automobile: RC-Car Rental Advanced
:shopping: RC-Marketplace Advanced
:oncoming_automobile: RC-Rental Car Service - FREE
:iphone: RC-BitcoinMiner
:pick: RC-Mining Job


when spam e key :open_mouth:

bruh… really? cmon now lmao. You can surely do better than this lol

isnt this just the same as you fake amazon job just renamed
:confused: on the other hand it is free so whos to complain lol


Hey buddy. I haven’t faked anything and if you mean my Ramazon Script there are some points where it stands out from others. And the script is free because it has fewer functions than the other

Again, buddy, are you rewriting the script like mine by using my functions, trying to get rich, or for what purpose?

Here is my original script by [PAID][ESX] Advanced Courier Job

Best of all, you have previously inserted a worse processed script, signing it, you should not insert anything

The problem is now fixed! Thanks

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found this issue shouldn’t it say Mail Delivery and not Ramazon Delivery. Other than that issue i love the script i will deffo be using your scripts more Keep up the good work.

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Hey buddy. I don’t know what the problem is. Please download the script and compare it with yours and you will notice that there is nothing from you. So why do you keep accusing me of stealing something from you? I’m sorry, but what should you do differently with such a script? It can of course look the same, but that’s the job. Please write to me privately but I think it’s stupid that my post is deleted because of your suspicions. And by copying I actually understand something else and that is not a copy in my eyes

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Thank you this will be changed immediately. I had copied the event from my other script and used it there

Yo buddy another stolen script from inside shop. There are the same functions you just changed locations and peds interaction. Come on buddy you can do better then that. I would be embarrassed if I would be you. The script before you were selling was cappied 1to1 so no you decided to change few things and sign your name under it. Not a good idea to do things like this.Specially if you call your self DEVELOPER


Thank you.

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Hey buddy. Justified criticism and that’s why I’m grateful to you, but you are welcome to compare the scripts and you will see that there are no real additions. I wrote my script very differently than his script. Only one problem was that the text was the same? In my opinion, strictly speaking, since I had put some time into it. Even for me, the allegations are not very nice. I myself don’t want my script to be copied, but what should I do differently with what jobs? That is quite normal when you have the same thing inside as the other one because you write these types of scripts relatively the same. I don’t want a dispute here either, I also agree that the other script has been taken down, but why am I being accused of this again with this script. Nothing is copied to this script, all functions or so you can find on the Internet whether 3D text or markers up to LUA functions. But thank you for your comment anyway

Your clearly inside’s , buddy xD , it’s a basic mail job , of course it’s going to be similar , there are also ones released before “inside advanced courier “ that are also very very similar minus the notif system used

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It’s completely different script. Just because you found 1 or 2 functions that the same functions ur script uses doesn’t mean it’s yours buddy. Also yours is paid and you attacking him cuz his free…

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Thank you buddy. At least one sees it once :smiley: <3

Thank you for your comment. I don’t feel bad thanks to you two. I can understand them but with such a script it is normal that there are functions that are the same <3

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What should I write to avoid generating very many cars at once?

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All you need to do is download the current version. I just fixed it

Can you tell me how to solve it? I want to use this version at the same time, it will also happen with other plugins