Random crashes on connection when using an external murmur server

For a good bug report you should probably include:

  1. Client (production/canary) and FXServer version
    2189 canary, FXServer 4193
  2. What you expected to happen
    Not crashing when connecting to murmur
  3. What actually happens
    Crashing when connecting to murmur
  4. Category of bug (eg. client, server, weapons, peds, native)
  5. Reproducible steps, preferably with example script(s)

Use multiple time with a murmur server (with people on it for best result)

MumbleSetServerAddress(mumble_server, 64738)

When using a murmur server(1.3.4) as an external mumble voice server there is a chance to crash your game on connection. it only happens when connecting never in the middle of a game session. (Except if you turn off and on voice chat)

We have ~= 1000 of those crashes per day and It doesn’t happen with a FXServer as external voice server.

The error is the following:

Here you can find logs and a full dump:

The packet received by MumbleDataHandler (lenght and mumble packet type) doesn’t seems to be correct and then lead to memory corruption.


Could it be related to murmur not having this fix?

it is crashing bcause it it handling invalid mumble packets

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your pr that i assume for this has been merged, can this be marked as solved now?

Yes solved thanks for the merge