Radio ACE Perms

I have scully radio v2 in my server and I dont have any ESX or QBCore just straight Standalone Server Core and im trying to setup ACE Permissions for my Police to only be able to join the restricted frequency but I tried to set the Role ID and the Group name for the Ace Perms and it still doesn’t work! If anyone can help me it would be greatly appreciated!

Hi, to assist you effectively, could you please provide the specific error messages you’re encountering and detail how you’ve implemented the ACE permissions?

In the meantime, here’s a general guide on setting up ACE permissions in your server.cfg:

# Grant permission to the 'admin' group
add_ace group.admin command allow

# Associate your Discord identifier (or other you want) with the 'admin' group
add_principal identifier.discord:yourdiscordid group.admin

I hope it helped you

Hello KFDev, i’m not really trying to set it up so only LEO or Fire can use it I would just like to set it up so only certain roles can join a certain frequency, like here in the config!