Quags Vehicle Delete [0.00ms Vehicle Blacklist]

This script deletes vehicles from a blacklistedVehicles.json file. There is support for a log system printing the blacklisted spawncode and the coords of where it was spawned. This script is escrow encrypted, but the logging system is open source.

Blacklist Vehicle Showcase

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Code is accessible Config
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 200+
Requirements N/A
Support Yes

VERRRYYY HOT WANT TO NUT!!! OMG SO SEKY I WAN TO HAVE SO MANY A LOT OF YOU SCRIPT!!! fine for qortors on walking and buy best buy of life​:fire_engine::fire_engine::fire_engine::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire_extinguisher::fire_extinguisher::fire_extinguisher::yum::yum::sunglasses::heart_eyes::hugs::roll_eyes::slightly_smiling_face::hugs::grin::grin::rofl::rofl:

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