Quags DV [/dv with radius and a staff delete] Pay What You Want

A /dv script, but there is a radius and there is a /staffdv which deletes the vehicle even if there is a player inside.


  • Release


  • Bug Fixes


  • Added Full Control Over Script in noti.lua

noti.lua Code:

Config = {}
--Standalone Notifications

local standaloneNoti = true -- Boolean whether standalone notifications should be used or not.

if standaloneNoti then
    AddEventHandler("QuagsNotify:Icon", function(title, text, time, color, icon)
        if color == "negative" then
            SetNotificationTextEntry( "STRING" )
            AddTextComponentString( "~r~"..text )
            DrawNotification( true, false )
            SetNotificationTextEntry( "STRING" )
            AddTextComponentString( text )
            DrawNotification( true, false )

--Radius Settings

Config.radiusForNearby = 10 -- Radius to check for the closest vehicle
Config.maxRadiusForMember = 20 -- Maximum radius for /dv. If there number is higher than this, it just sets their input to the max value.
Config.maxRadiusForStaff = 40 -- Maximum radius a staff member can use their command. If there number is higher than this, it just sets their input to the max value.

--Config For Notification Text

Config.noNumber = "Please type in a number for the radius." -- Message if a letter was typed instead of a number for the radius
Config.vehDltSuccess = "Vehicle deleted." -- Message after a vehicle is deleted with /dv or /staffdv
Config.plrInVeh = "There is a player in this vehicle." -- Message for using /dv when a person is in the vehicle
Config.noNearbyVeh = "No nearby vehicles found." -- Message after finding no vehicles with just the command /dv
Config.noVehF = "No vehicles found." -- Message after deleting with radius found no vehicles
Config.moreThanOneDlt = "Deleted {vehNum} vehicles." -- Message for multiple vehicles deleted with a radius
Config.oneVehDlt = "Deleted 1 vehicle." -- Message for 1 vehicle deleted in with the radius
Config.noAllowRadius = "You aren't allowed to delete vehicles in a radius." -- No staff permision message for using a radius
Config.areaClearSuccess = "Area cleared." -- Message when the area is successfully cleared
Config.areaNoPerm = "You aren't allowed to clear the area." -- Message for no permission for clear area


Config.dltVehCMD = "dv" -- DV command
Config.dltVehStaffCMD = "staffdv" -- Staff Dv Command
Config.areaVar = "area" -- vMenu clear area variable for /staffdv

--Command Chat Help

Config.dvGenDescription = "Deletes vehicle(s)." -- Description for /dv
Config.secondDvDescriptionName = "radius" -- Name in chat suggestions after /dv and /staffdv
Config.secondDvGenDescription = "You must be a staff member to use the radius. Max radius is "..Config.maxRadiusForMember.."." -- Description for /dv radius
Config.staffDvGenDescription = "Deletes vehicle(s) with ped inside. (Staff Only)" -- Description for /staffdv
Config.secondStaffDvGenDescription = "Max radius is "..Config.maxRadiusForStaff..'. Type "'..Config.areaVar..'" to clear the area.' -- Description for /staffdv radius

--Necessary to Transfer Config to Everything
TriggerEvent("QuagsDV:Ready", Config)

Quags DV Showcase

  • To give access for /staffdv and /dv [RADIUS] put add_ace group.[GROUP] “quags.staff” allow in the server.cfg

  • Notification system is compatible with other notification scripts. Just edit noti.lua

Get The Resource Here (Escrow Encrypted)
TEBEX Pay What You Want

Code is accessible Notification
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 280+
Requirements None
Support Yes

I love Can dElete stef on sorfor :+1:t4::+1:t4::+1:t4::+1:t4::+1:t4::+1:t4::+1:t4::pinching_hand:t4::pinching_hand:t4::pinching_hand:t4::muscle:t4::muscle:t4::muscle:t4::muscle:t4::scissors::card_file_box::pushpin::round_pushpin::bar_chart::croissant::croissant: i lik cus have to /dV and delate :fries::fries::fries::hotdog::hotdog::popcorn::popcorn::bacon::bacon::butter::butter:

1 Like

Nah bro this is joke true?

My buddy is the one who commented, we use the script for our server we are builidng.

/dv is not worth buying dude. When making paid scripts minimum an advanced level script is suggested.

Its literally 0 dollars and 0 cents. Please use your eyes before commenting next time. Look at the video too, it is setup completely different from any other /dv script. The only thing that is the same is the command, and even that is different as there is /staffdv. My /dv is also guaranteed to delete any vehicle whether it is exploded or spawned by a modder. Other dv scripts just dont do that. Dont believe me, take a look around and join servers with /dv and see if it works 100% of the time.

If its free, why escrow it? Just toss it on github and actually contribute to fivem instead of filling the forums with useless stuff

Escrow protects code, I use code that others don’t. I will create features for the script if requested. There is the option to donate for a script that works 100 percent of the time if someone wants to. I am also contributing to FiveM by using Tebex. Tebex funds FiveM to stay up and running. This script has many uses for modding and overall vehicle management. If you were to create a server, you would want to delete vehicles that a modder spawned, no? Most dv scripts cannot delete modder spawned vehicles, while this one can. @PerimeterGaming

Every DV Script i’ve ever seen, and made myself, has been able to delete vehicles a modder has spawned, so that entire point is irrelevant. As for protecting code, whats the point if its free anyways? You also are advertising “works 100% of the time”, again in my years of developing for fivem and every DV script i’ve tried has worked flawlessly every. single. time. Using code others don’t doesn’t mean you obfuscate it, fivem is an open source community lol

wk vehicle delete doesnt work when an entity has no collision or if the car is blown up or locked (aka where you cant get into it.)

If you want to, you can even send in your script to show how much better it is.

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Again, use your eyes. It says pay what you want. The word free never came out of my mouth. 0 dollars and 0 cents did.


0 dollars and 0 cents is free tho :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: you’re just making stuff up now… atleast put the paid tag so you dont bait people into clicking on a escrowed resource or make it open sourced just like the rules say you should do

Free would be no option to pay at all, this script is on tebex as pay as you want so if you would like to donate to the creator you can or if you would like to pay nothing you could do that as well, I don’t understand in any way shape or form how this post is clickbait or breaking the rules because it is not explicitly free it is pay what you want. All i ask is you please read a little before blindly making comments.

No direct download

@TheIndra we already went over this in QuagsSpeesControl 3 months ago. There is a paid tag now.