QBR / QR / VORP| NPC Bandits V2 |

NPC Bandits V2

Ambush options

  • Surrender
  • Run away
  • Kill all
  • Die

Other options

  • Connecting a partner ( Nearby Player ) to your robbery
  • If there are more players than bandits the bandits will automatically start shooting.
  • If you survive and defeat the bandits so you can rob them.

Advantages o against the first version

  • Faster and better optimization
  • Better bandit setup
  • It offers more options. ( looting, surrender and connect with other players )

Scheduled updates - Coming soon!

  • Complete synchronization with players in the area.


Chances of being ambushed

Config.BanditsChance  = 100 -- %

After being ambushed
After being ambushed, how long can you not be ambushed…

Config.nonRobTime  = 60 -- In minutes 

Handsup anim - Important to set if you have a different animation than the one shown you need to change.

Anim: handsup_register_owner

Config.HandsUpAnim = {

Configurable notify

function bandits_notify(title,message)
    exports["pls_notify"]:CustomNotification({title=title,text=message,timeout=5000, type="info",class = "redmstyle3", showicon = true,})

And more…

  • Bandit horses
  • Bandit models
  • Bandit weapons
  • Run away distance - Distance from bandits to escape
  • Position of bandits ( spawn point and robbery trigger )
  • Looting items
  • Notify texts

Important info

  • If you download or buy script all next updates are free.
    Just download the new version from keymaster.
  • If you find some bug text ME to fix.

Update info

  • 10.12.2022 - Added by partner Fix ( Sends for all players on server )
  • 11.12.2022 - Added configurable button for looting, Added new variant for detect framework if is folder name is vorp_core.

NPC Bandits V2

Free: https://polisek-scripts.tebex.io/package/5414060
Paid ( Open source ): https://polisek-scripts.tebex.io/package/5414052

NPC Bandits V1

QBR :GitHub - polisek/qbr-pls-npc-bandits: You can be robbed by NPC bandits
VORP: GitHub - polisek/vorp-pls-npc-bandits
QR: GitHub - polisek/qr-npc-bandits

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 600 +
Requirements VORP or QBR or QR
Support Yes
(For releases without code the not applicable fields can be written as N/A)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Ends: 31.12.2022 00:00
You can use for example the open source version

installed (vorp), not experiencing any errors - however, script doesnt work. the npcs appear, none of the notifications work, the npcs dont attack, the npcs you cant get loot from(even if you pick the loot), if you runaway or get robbed, notifications dont post. The readme in the file says its for a fishing script (rsg_fishvendor), and says the dependencies are qbcore menu and qbr core and qbr menu. Need some clarification on this non-working script and what dependencies it may have, if any.

We like to use the script very much, but unfortunately there is a bug. If you loot the bandits that want to rob you and spam “J”, then you can loot the bandits multiple times and get a multiple of the items that you have set in the config.