[QBCore]Strez Tsunami Restart Emailing (UPDATE 4)

Shoot me a DM with your discord and i help you make some changes you need

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3.5 Changes

–- Added Quasar Phone Email config for event emails also during tsunami restart

– Added Quasar Phone Email for tsunamimanual & tsunamishowcase & emergencyemail & announcementemail commands

– Added GKS Phone support for Emails

– Added tsunamishowcase command to show from start to finish only using NOTIFICATIONS QB/Ox_Lib (With restart command added)

– Possible fix for locals driving/swimming underwater (Still needs more testing)

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Great script I luv it … only issue is it has all IPL’s interiors flooded all the time. drug labs , housing shells ect. other than that i really luv it.

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used to have this on ESX. Now see this is qb, but is everything open on the script so i can edit for esx again?

Agree… All the IPL’s is flooded all the time…

I’m aware of the Water causing issues with IPL/Lakes ECT, I am trying to solve this issue but I’m at a dead end when comes to fixing it. Once I have got it solved I will push the update for it.

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for me its not playing any alert sounds

ESX Version when?

Possible to remove the flood function for now? Still love all other aspects. Flood is amazing and would love to have it back, but the alerts and weather shifting alone is great as well.

Is the IPL thing fixed?

After couple of months Update 4 Is now finally here and live! We finally have working IPL/MLO/Swimming/Vehicles working during the Tsunami.

-------------------- V4 UPDATE --------------------

– Finally fixed water starting levels, This should now solve all issues with IPLS/MLO/Lakes/Pools should start with default water
– Now using both Flood.xml & Water.xml files to help solve water IPL/Swimming issues
– Moved Alert sound to 15minute alert to help players know that incoming TSunami
– Added AirSiren sound to 5minute alert to help warn players the water is headed on land
– Added Config.Water for ‘calm’ & ‘wavey’
– Calm will allow vehicles to still drive around Legion Square/MRPD/Alta Street Apartment Stairs
– Wavey you will have a big struggle to walk around anywhere near these areas Legion Square/MRPD/Alta Street Apartment Stairs

Once again special thanks to all the support iv had with the script, Glad many of you are enjoying the basic Quality Of Life style.


Solved Now, Update to 4.0

Updated to 4.0 and you should be good to go!

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am i going blind lol? wheres the download link?

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Where is the Download??

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Sorry forgot to add the tebex link, Tsunami Script

Sorry, I forgot to add Tebex link, Updated now. Tsunami Script

how to use mana_audio for sounds? GitHub - Manason/mana_audio: API for playing native audio

You will need to replace the InteractSounds event with Manason event