[QBCore] [Paid] Inventory 3.5 | NoPixel Inspired

Id say if you want to sell, then keep it on Tebex, dont post or advertise it here.
Every post in this forums now is just selling shit, people arguing, people blaming, claiming and attacking each other.

Please fiveM keep this selling and advertising crap to Tebex only.
Would love to go back to 4 or 5 years ago when FiveM forums were a place people shared ideas, help, conversations and suggestions.

FiveM Forums have been pimped out to the highest bidder and its disgusting.

Its cool devs able to sell work, but turning this website into FleaBay stinks.


Totally the wrong place for this post, but Iā€™m backing this one.
We need a free resource section again, and the paid resource section needs subcategories, i,e:

# Releases > Free
# Releases > Paid > Map
# Releases > Paid > Script
# Releases > Paid > Model

Even for the paid releases, the high-effort resources are often drowned out by a sea of duplicate car models with slightly different stickers.

Cool inventory. Donā€™t let others get you down, if you wanted to create a nopixel inspired inventory and sell it to those who likely requested you develop it, good for you! Never let those who canā€™t do, dictate what you can! :slight_smile:


thing is we are not knocking him for his work ā€¦ we are pointing out that he charging 100+ $ for something that looks the same as a free release ā€¦ i mean if you going to charge so much for something your at least going to put the time in to make sure it dont look like a free release thats been out for sometime now ā€¦ as it been stated looking from his inventory pics and ljs pics they look very much the same just with a few little editsā€¦ i mean looking at it quick your going to assume all he done is removed the LJ logoā€¦ but like i said we are not knocking his work ā€¦ we are just point out that it looks the same as a free release

only thing i can really see is he removed the LJ logo and added few extra settings lol


85 EURO for escrow and plagiarism scripts ?

This is Hyper commenting, he always does this because he cant recreate by himself :joy:

I reported this post to cfx

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this is looks nice but 85 euros is too much for an inventory

All those points that you made IS knocking down his work lol. You literally say he should put more time in for what he is charging etc. Its like shooting someone and trying to put a band-aid over the wound lmao. Not taking sides but dont contradict yourself.

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100% not my inventory edit. The options and help panel are completely different and itā€™s not using the Quasar library components. In fact, if Iā€™m not mistaken, this is from Dojwunā€™s GitHub, which to my knowledge is a known leaker and that inventory resource was specifically taken from a dump of NoPixel 3.5


You are all rioting saying ā€œThis looks the same as the rest why are you charging so muchā€ BRO its a NOPIXEL copy OFCOURSE its going to look the sameā€¦


Thatā€™s definitely not the point. I honestly donā€™t care about NoPixel recreations. The only thing I am tired of seeing is people taking private code or assets that they donā€™t have the right to have access to nor had permission to and make a few editsā€¦ Lock it and then claim it as theirs.

This is all Iā€™m going to say and then Iā€™m going to leave it alone, The fact that I asked what features are different and the ā€œauthorā€ of this forums thread just dodges that question and says if you donā€™t want to buy it then donā€™t buy it which is true Iā€™m not going to buy something that is 85 euros plus tax. But it just comes with his responses and not trying to define how these two are not alike.

ā€œ85 euros + vatā€ is a bit steep, especially for an inventory.


Precisely. Itā€™s not just this specific post, but there are so many people here plagiarising a popular server instead of being creative and itā€™s ridiculous

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do you have a link to the crafting on github?

Do you actually have any evidence to substantiate your claims of fraud?
It has been 1 day since this resource released. Nobody has dodged anything.

Iā€™m not sure where you saw me saying the words ā€œfraudā€ or maybe you are seeing something that Iā€™m notā€¦

But if you read the comments I made at first you will see when I asked what the features have in this inventory that lj or qb-inventory doesnā€™t have and you can see that based on the responses he gave me when simply asking for those featuresā€¦ meanwhile besides the point the reason I was asking because if you look at his youtube channel you will see he has a stolen admin menu in the youtube video this guy has a bad history of taking other peoples to work and reuploading it and claiming it as his (we can take the inspired np-banking resource that he released)ā€¦

Furthermore, it has been talked about privately that this inventory looks very similar to another personā€™s inventory released on the qb discord by someone called spartan. But Iā€™m sure if this is indeed related to Spartan then he will probably take the time to respond or provide cfx with the proper proof that he owns this inventoryā€¦ But I can only speak on based what I have seen.

But I think you need to take a second look to see where exactly I used the words ā€œfraudā€.

Donā€™t listen to any of them, that looks crazy keep up the good work

How do i get this inventory?


GitHub - loljoshie/lj-inventory LJā€™s Default Version.

GitHub - JoKeRxTD/lj-inventory-changes: This is my edit of the fivem lj-inventory. With basic CSS & HTML stying edits. My Version with CSS Edits


Hello can somebody send me the discord link l got a new account and its not working