Qbcore need help with shared lua items

want to make it where people can get more rewards when combining things if anyone knows how and can help that be awesome thanks in advanced

Kinda late, but if you take a look at qb-inventory > config.lua > Config.CraftingItems you’ll find what you’re looking for


ook so i shouldve been more specific i meant when they combine things in there inventory or is that the same way

Oh! That would be in qb-core > shared > items.lua

Take a look at the rolling paper item:

['rolling_paper'] = {
  ['name'] = 'rolling_paper',
  ['label'] = 'Rolling Paper',
  ['weight'] = 0,
  ['type'] = 'item',
  ['image'] = 'rolling_paper.png',
  ['unique'] = false,
  ['useable'] = false,
  ['shouldClose'] = true,
  ['combinable'] = {
    accept = {
    reward = 'joint',
    anim = {
      ['dict'] = 'anim@amb@business@weed@weed_inspecting_high_dry@',
      ['lib'] = 'weed_inspecting_high_base_inspector',
      ['text'] = 'Rolling joint',
      ['timeOut'] = 5000,
  ['description'] = 'Paper made specifically for encasing and smoking tobacco or cannabis.'

Unfortunately, you cannot change the reward quantity for a single item unless you modify the core. You can change the reward for all combinable items, but if you want it for a single item, you’d have to make a change to qb-inventory. I could probably make a pull request for it

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ok do u know anyone that can do that?

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