it on a zap gameserver the pre built city
Me i have a [Vehicle] folder and inside that i have a folder for each car i have
Inside those folder i have a stream folder and files like __resource.lua
Handling file
ok so if i download and script from fivem mods how do i enter those in the resources
hi, any one have script for qbcore ai medic auto revive when medic no have …
how can i find the cars i added on the resources folder?
/skin for admin doesn’t work for me. Can anyone help?
can someone tell me how to find the cars i up loaded
Make sure they are in qb-core/shared/vehicle.lua
At the category line you can put something like add-on or whatever you want so you can see them in you admin menu
What is the problem? How to solve this problem when it times out after playing for a while.
It has been bothering me for a long time, and it has been disconnected while playing. Sometimes hang up will drop the line and report this error
Not sure but i think its a network problem
The connection between server and client is not good
Multiple client event dont go to the server and vice-versa
Are you home hosting the server ?
ive not been able to add my friend as an admin to my server this is what ive got setup atm but does not work any suggestions?
add_principal identifier."LICENSE"group.admin #“therename”
also make sure you are setting them up with a txadmin account
Actually now its qbcore.admin
It would be
add_principal identifier.license:YOUR-FRIEND-LICENSE qbcore.admin
No, I thought it was a server problem at first, but I still have this problem after changing the carrier. My friends and I often have this problem, and the network has no problem, all of which are gigabit networks. The problem is that there will still be this problem anyway, I can only think of some code problems on the client side
Disable truck_logistic and vehiclemod and see if it still disconnect
hey i tried this for my self it didnt work
Try qbcore.god at the end
nope still didnt work
Are you using the right rockstar license ?