QBCore Framework

Maybe an idea for the mechanic in the radialmenu / work a fix vehicle function

how do you adjust the stamina on the cops or how to get rid of the sprit limiter ?

is there a MDT system for police, other than the one on the phone?

hey, does anyone know how to add a ringtone to the qb-phone because when someone calls me you don’t hear any sound


There is one currently being created i believe that is more upto date

Just install InteractSound and you will have a ringtone.


in itself it is a pity that you have done the new method with qbcore, now you can no longer use old qb scripts.

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thnx !

Which new method do you mean?

The new getobject method probably

That doesn’t stop you from using old scripts

Does QBCore have built in crosshair system? Is there a such a code to enable it?

If not what are your recommendations? I just want a simple dot when aiming.

Hi, I am having an issue that some vehicles cannot Put Player in Vehicle. How do I edit that?

Is it the qb-policejob > client > interactions issue, or the Vehicle script issue?

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To enable the sight aiming reticle, go to qb>qb-smallresources>client>hudcomponents.lua

Comment out line 37 or HideHudComponentThisFrame (14) like so



thank you so much! :slight_smile:

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btw I’m curious, what are the other HideHudComponentThisFrame?

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Hi, I am having an issue that some vehicles cannot Put Player in Vehicle. How do I edit that?

Is it the qb-policejob > client > interactions issue, or the Vehicle script issue?

I’m not exactly sure to be 100% honest. I believe a few of them are hiding the default hud things such as, job, money, bank, locations, car models etc etc etc… Mostly things associated with the “out of the box FiveM” hud components that are no needed/wanted for the default qb-core hud…

no worries! they have already stated in that same .lua file

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You can find all the hud component ids in the docs: HideHudComponentThisFrame - Natives @ Cfx.re Docs