Discontinued - [QBCore] ADVANCED BACK-ITEMS

This script creates a weapon and it’s attachments instead of the usual weapons-on-back that only creates the weapon.


  • Adds the weapon and its attachments in players back
  • Makes your server more realistic
  • Provides Great RP
  • Highly Costumizable


  • Does not support all GTA original weapons. Still we compromise to add them asap.
  • Weapons Supported in v1: Sniper Rifle, Carbine Rifle, Assault Rifle, Compact Rifle, Combat PDW, SMG, Double Barrel, Sawed-off Shotgun, Crowbar, Katana, Machete, Golfclub, Bat
  • Tints aren’t available yet


Clickable Image


Code is accessible Part (only weapons config)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 450
Requirements qb-weapons, qb-core
Support Yes

Hello, what’s the difference between your script (15 EUROS ???) and [Release] Weapons On Back

Hey, thanks for your question
Our script besides of the weapon it also adds its attachments according to what you have equipped in the weapon. That script only adds the weapon itself without any attachments

its not hard to add some attachments

UPDATE 1.1.0 :fire:



  • Easier to add new weapons
  • It’s now faster for the script to add the weapon on the player’s back
  • Code Optimization

Should add a check to make sure people don’t have weapons on their back while getting in vehicles. I’d do this to avoid the vehicle tornado that will happen when the car and guns collisions collide.

We have made a correction to the system to include a check to ensure that people do not have weapons on their back while entering vehicles. However, it’s important to mention that this correction has not been tested thoroughly yet.

If you encounter any persistent issues or notice any unintended consequences, we kindly request that you inform us immediately. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding

Possible to add custom guns?

@buddydudeguy Yes

Does it work with gun bags?

@buddydudeguy No

Do you guys have a discord? I see nothing on the tebex page. We are having an issue with this.

To be fair, this does the same and is completly open source. GitHub - MalibuTechTeam/mbt_malisling