Qb-multichar crashing me

hi there so when i try to load into my server i get this error, im not sure what is causing it, the only custom scripts i have is mchat, custom garages, custom dealership, blackhud. i have tried to remove all of these resources and put in the default ones in again but i still get this error

Have you recently added any qbcore main resources?

QBCore has a new system out now… So if you have the old system installed, the new resources won’t work properly.

If your serve ris over 6 months old, you probably have qbcore 1 installed, but you wont be able to install qbcore 2 resources without some issues.

Illenium-appearance can make multicharacter throw errors at times too.

nah i set it up yesterday with mchat and m-loading, and some others but this error only shows in the F8 not the console

you will have to pull out mchat and m-loading for now and run a server restart test… if the error doesn’t pop up, then restart again by adding in m-loading and then restart again with mchat in there.

replace m-loading with qb-loading for now

luckily it’s not a loaded up server so it is not too big of an issue. once you figure out which resource is conflicting with both qb-clothing and qb-multicharacter then we can begin to troubleshoot export issues.

alright il try that thank you