Qb-hud breaks after death

Hi everyone! I’m currently having an issue on the server I develop with the HUD breaking whenever you die. I have an error code here coming from qb-hud but it’s not related to someone dying. I have also noticed that once you get in a vehicle it also breaks which I think the error here is referring to. I just don’t know how to fix this properly. I’ve checked the code to see if theres a syntax error or something or if we need to remove lines of code but nothing matches what the error is telling me. Is someone able to help out?

Ofc the server I’m running is qb-core
Game is bought from the R* Official store.
The version it’s on I believe to be the Arena Wars DLC

The error you are getting in the photo seems to be consistent with attempting to use a client export on a server side script. I would have a look at your qb-hud server files and check for the export in there if its there remove it and use it client side. Hope this helps

Did you replace LegacyFuel with another script?

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