[QB/ESX] Helicopter Crash (EXP Level System, Many Features) | Lambra

Short Explanation:
There is a chance that a helicopter will spawn and free fall causing explosion sounds and a trail of smoke for players to locate, once players find it they can loot.

Showcase Video

Features:(Check Comment sections for newer updates)

  • Add much loot positions on the heli as you want;
  • Enable/Disable flashlight requirement
  • Advanced level system with EXP;
  • Change/disable the required weapon to an crowbar or something;
  • Helicopter spawns with a successful chance;
  • Configurable Rewards according to your LEVEL;
  • No limitation at levels;
  • Properly synced with everyone;
  • You can set different amount of exp/rewards per crashzone
  • Dynamically programmed so you can deep customize it;
  • Plug & Play;
  • Fully configurable and UserFriendly;
  • Nice and clean to interact;
  • Highly optimized (0.00ms when idle);
  • Protection against “Triggers Executors (cheaters)” to receive rewards;

Config Preview:

Framework Required: QBCore or ESX "Might convert to other framework on request"

Get this resource at: Tebex

Code accessible No, but have customization files (FiveM Escrow System)
Subscription based No
Lines (approximately) 700
Requirements QBCore/ESX
Support Yes

:books: Other Releases


nice release!

1 Like
        • Amazing Script - - - -
          Config is very easy to alter and configure to our liking
          Loving the scripts Lambra(Delbes) has been making especially these scripts that spawn around the maps.
          Really gives your server life and gives players the opportunity to play on the map to its fullest potential. especially spots of the map that hardly get used or visited.
          From me 10/10!

New Update, check the update logs

Hi Delbes

Any ESX version ? :slight_smile:

Soon :slight_smile:

1 Like

love u <3

New version Released:

  • Now it supports ESX
1 Like

I bought this because it supports ESX, but the server and client files are locked and there is knowhere to config ESX? How do i make it run on ESX.

? didnt understand a thing
and btw if you want support open a ticket

Hey just wondering, will this alert police once helicopter crashed or when attempting to loot it. Thank you

Awesome script, Great Work @Delbes !!!

Great response time and customer support is on point!!

Awesome script, Great Work 100%

It’s a very good script. and it works fine Makes players enjoy robbing and taking on a lot of roles :heart_eyes:

New Update
Added: Now you can have multiple heli crashes active at the same time;
Added: Chance to have also a rare drop at the heli crash (example: crate/dead body to loot) (chance, loot pool, prop model per each heli);
Changed: Changed the loot positions behaviour so it’s even easier to add a new heli position without posting new coords at loot;
Added: Radius blip is now position randomized so it’s not centered with the heli position;
Fixed: A player would hear the explosion even if he was at the other end of the map;