[QB] dc-parkingmeter

Parking Meter

Everyone’s favorite parking meter resource is back again.

So you thought this was another script for people to easily rob x object and get easy cash? So wrong you are young padawan. This is a script that allows people to pay for their parking tickets so they can prove to the police that they are allowed to park there! Also another way for police to fine citizens and collect that payslip at the end of the month. This will bring so much RP to your server that this is a must have!

Yes this is escrowed. There is no real reason why. But out of respect of older customers kept it escrowed.


| Code is accessible | No |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | 160 |
| Requirements | QBCore |
| Support | Yes |


Don’t tempt me in saying it!

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ESX version? what about transport when player is offline? still is on map? or despawn? and, where goes parking money? can be option , like money goes to some organization? like LSPD, or Goverment?

I’m never going to make ESX resources. Player gets a ticket in their inventory. What about transport still being on the map when the player goes offline? If ever requested making the money go to an organization instead of nowhere would be an easy fix in the future.

where is the link ?

Click on store → FiveM → dc-parkingmeter

Thanks for this script !! Awesome and easy to download!! Good luck for the future scripts :slight_smile:

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Hi there,

As per release rules free releases must be available with a direct link in the thread. See Releases Rules and F.A.Q for specific information.

Thank you :mascot:

If you could add the ability for the police to check the meters for an expired ticket so they can tow the vehicle I’d happily buy the script.