QBCore | Car Repo Job w/ Leveling/Tier System

Car Repo Job by MaikolScripts

Need a new refreshing job for your city? Check out my Car Repo Job!

Showcase Video (Before Leveling Update)

Safety Feature

  • Players won’t be able to tow non-repo vehicles, limiting trolling/abuse
  • If the player gets to far from the tow truck, the tow truck is deleted, and job is cancelled to prevent abuse/trolling
  • This feature could be toggled on/off in the config, but its recommended to have on

Universal Notifications, Fuel, Vehicle Keys, Progress Bar, and Phone System

  • The 5 functions are configurable in the config file, to adapt to any corresponding script
  • Notifications currently supports qb-notify, mythic-notify and venice-notifications out the box
  • Fuel Integration currently supports legacyfuel, lj-fuel, and ps-fuel out the box
  • Phone Integration currently supports qb-phone, and quasar phone/qs-smartphone out the box
  • Vehicle Keys supports native QB & CD Garage keys out the box
  • Progress bar support is provided for native QB & rProgress out the box.
  • Support is provided to adapt your scripts if you’re having troubles


  • Job requirement to do a repo job is togglable on/off in the config file
  • Tow truck deposit fee is configurable/toggled in the config file
  • Easily add new locations (100+ pre-configured!) & types of repo cars through the config file
  • Default GTA & Addon Cars are supported for both repo cars & tow trucks
  • All job related text/labels are changeable in the locale file
  • Currently the script is only in English, but native support for other languages is coming soon!
  • Option to disable the use of qb-target and use native QBCore DrawText

Leveling/Tier System

  • Earn XP per successful Car Repo
  • Increase job difficulty based on tier/level
  • Incentivize your players to work for better wages


  • Script runs on 0.00ms not on the job
  • Script averages 0.00ms, reaching a max of ~0.03ms while on the job
  • The script was coded with optimization in mind always from the start :slight_smile:

This script is non-exploitable by cheaters/malicious players, attempted exploits are webhook logged.

ESX Support is planned for a future update :slight_smile:

Tebex Link

Discord - Maikol#5282

My Other Releases

[FREE] Job Vehicle Allowlist
[PAID] Gun Jamming Script

Change Log
→ Added the option to disable qb-target and use the default qb-core prompt
→ Added a leveling/tier system, fixed small config bug
→ Updated the phone messaging & fuel system to be supported universally with any script
Since the last public changelog…
→ Universal Fuel System
→ Universal Vehicle Keys System
→ No longer dependent on rProgress, any progress bar will work
→ Custom Ped Spawn Handling (Dev Feature)
→ Repo Letters are automatically removed after completing a repo.
→ Job Mails can now be wiped after job completion or after a server restart
→ Universal DrawText system has been added, supports QB default & okokTextUi out the box.
Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~1000
Requirements qb-core, PolyZone
Support Yes

will buy if esx1.1
PLEASE hahah


Will be coming in the upcoming days! stay tuned :slight_smile:

Any plans to add player car repos that are behind on payments?

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Could be a possibility in the future, need to look into how the car payments are handled, is that QB native? or a standalone script for the car payments?

Look into what happens in qb-vehicleshop when a payment isn’t made. Instead of it deleting vehicle automatically, just have it read vehicle/owner info from DB and send it to Tow/Repo job email. Shouldnt be too hard. I was going to look into it myself.


New update!


Leveling/Tier System

  • Earn XP per successful Car Repo
  • Increase job difficulty based on tier/level
  • Incentivize your players to work for better wages

small config bug fixed, redownload from keymaster, and replace old script files, backup previous files before updating!

This looks really good, I would love to see how the “more challenging” levels go as you gain xp. any thugs that come out to beat your ass? :smiley: Also very much would love to get this on ESX! Howmuch of the script is encrypted?

This script is awesome but getting errors which in return isn’t letting it work properly.

has the option to repo player vehicle been able to be implemented???

Not yet sadly

Few issues i have enounced leaving me unable to use this script

  1. Unable to change the fuel from LegacyFuel, rendering the script useless if you are using ps-fuel, lj-fuel and any of the other replacements

  2. Unable to change the qb-phone emails to another phone, rendering the script un-usable if you have another phone script.

I have added you on discord, hoping to have these issues resolved, as it looks like a killer script

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I’ll be releasing an update by the end of this weekend with a universal fuel & phone system :slight_smile:
Thank you for pointing that out


I’ve released the update with a universal phone & fuel system!

Simply redownload it from keymaster and replace all the files, any changes down originally can be copied & pasted over to the new updated config file :slight_smile:

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Can we get options to use the flatbed the hook trucks is trash

New Update!


Since the last public changelog…
→ Universal Fuel System
→ Universal Vehicle Keys System
→ No longer dependent on rProgress, any progress bar will work
→ Custom Ped Spawn Handling (Dev Feature)
→ Repo Letters are automatically removed after completing a repo
→ Job Mails can now be wiped after job completion or after a server restart

Hey, if you’re having issues with the hook, contact me

did you make a ESX version of this

Do NOT purchase anything from this developer… He’s kept his store open to sponge money from innocent people while his scripts are broken, he hasn’t replied to a single person within his discord in over a month especially when people have resorted to ask for a refund.

If he’s no longer interested in maintaining his products he should remove his store stopping people from being trapped, I’ve contacted Tebex for a refund and to report the situation also.