Provide loadscreens with a https origin, like NUI pages have

Spent the day pulling my hair, wondering why certain videos would not load using the YouTube player API in my loadscreen resource.

Found that the same video/embed would work while testing the page as UI (ui_page in fxmanifest.lua), and noted the only difference seems to be the “origin” provided to the embed.

Apparently this is a problem as the YouTube player will only accept https:// urls as the origin, and loadscreens still use the old nui:// url.

Example image of the two iframe elements:

Note the top is defined as a UI page, while the second is defined as a loadscreen.

Reproduction steps:

Create a resource with a ui_page, and add the following embed to it:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

You will notice the iframe has no problems loading.
Now change the resource to a loadscreen, and observe the following error:

Is there any way that we can get the https:// origin assigned to loadscreens as well? I think this will resolve the issue entirely.