Props and OneSync making vehicle hurricanes

so, when somebody got a prop in their hand, phone, bucket whatever, sometimes it ends with extreme desyncs and flying cars, sending the player in the air and so on.
does someone know what the issue is?
this is only reproduced with onesync…

if you can reproduce it, please share the steps to do such?

For our city, if a player crashed or left with a prop in their hand. They would spawn with the prop and if they entered a vehicle it would cause a hurricane with the car.
I fixed it by making sure I deleted all props onResourceStopped(not sure if that’s the exact event) client side on all scripts that spawns a prop, but from time to time we still get that. I don’t know what’s exactly causing it now.

And how are you adding ‘props’ to ‘their hand’?

Also, what server version is this on?

Sorryyyy, so reproducing is pretty easy.
And it’s the exact same as @MetoPatel states, with leaving and then spawning with the prop.

To reproduce it, you could use gcphone, take your phone in your hand and just leave with the prop still attached to the player.
It’s kinda random if it happens, but when it happens it causes the hurricanes and desync.

For me, I attach props like this:

local pickaxe = CreateObject(GetHashKey("prop_tool_pickaxe"), 0, 0, 0, true, true, true) 
AttachEntityToEntity(pickaxe, PlayerPedId(), GetPedBoneIndex(PlayerPedId(), 57005), 0.18, -0.02, -0.02, 350.0, 100.00, 140.0, true, true, false, true, 1, true)


DetachEntity(pickaxe, 1, true)

Pretty much spammed every function I could find, still happens.
Current server version is: “server”:“FXServer-master v1.0.0.2802 linux”

And we use dpemotes


Right - does this still happen on newer versions?

Same problem on 2882 using AttachEntityToEntity()


We’re on the most recent version of Linux server artifacts. The props I’ve encountered it with are radio and phone. The way they’re spawned in are the exact same as GCPhoneV3 and rp-radio.

Like I mentioned for the most part of it I was able to fix it by removing the prop when they disconnect but from time to time it still happens which I’ll try figuring out the reason and come back to you if I can reproduce it.

That’s still not-

Where the hell are you people getting the idea to run some old version?

‘most recent’ doesn’t say much as we’ve seen people say ‘most recent’ when they actually mean ‘3 months old’.

Sorry, should have been more specific, I last witnessed it on fivem-linux-2964, we are currently on fivem-linux-2967 and I haven’t seen it yet but if I do, I will let you know.

Updating to the latest version seemed to fix it.

So this still happens for us, using OneSync Infinity. Completely random at times. It was recommended to fix some Gabz interior issues to use build 5425 but it’s happened on several builds before this.

This happens to pretty frequently after changing routing buckets

Still happening randomly lol… any solutions?

You are probably changin the player bucket without also changing the attached prop bucket