[Project] Upcoming Server Interaction Toolbox

Is it possible to spawn cars from this menu?

Well yes if you wrote a function but what would be the point, this menu is simply to make roleplay easier.

I was thinking instead of having another menu to spawn vehicles this could ran both as well as uniforms,

That’s possible once it is released you can do that on your own server. I will not be doing that as there is no point as this is simply for roleplaying purposes.


are you doing 2 versions?
1 in the warmenu and the other like the screenshots up above?

The NUI version is finished and I’m not using warmenu I’m using NativeUI.

Done most of it already.


1 Like

that looks amazing,

nice work


Has this been released? Ive been trying to find if it has but im either being blind, or it hasnt.

The NativeUi one i mean

any updates lucifer?

He isn’t releasing this… if you want the NativeUI Toolbox then you can use the one i made (LEO Functions aren’t working yet)