Project Genesis 2.0 | 18+ Serious RP | Hiring Police and EMS | Gangs | Civilians | Player Owned Businesses | Community Driven | XP Based Jobs | Illegal Activities | Crafting | Boosting | Racing | TVs and DJ Booths

Looking for a Chief of EMS and hiring more police. Also Businesses Owners

05/23/24 Update Log

-New Mining job
-New spawn selector

-Cleaned up items
-Removed unused business
-Fixed oxy runs
-Fixed Bobcat heist

-Changed MDT and Evidence Logs to new PD discord
-Enabled off duty ped for pawnshop
-Buffed Bobcat Heist Payout
-Buffed Oxy Runs (Remember it is XP based)
-Loading Screen
-Buffed sea shell selling
-Moved some fishing locations around to remove blips
-Lowered police requirements until population goes back up

Looking for a Chief of EMS and hiring more police. Also Businesses Owners

06/01/2024 Update Log

-Added Benny's Mechanic shop
-Added Cigar Bar
-Added OG Motorsports Mechanic Shop
-Added doorlocks
-Added closed shops back for businesses
-Added Vanilla Unicorn job

-Removed unused scripts
-Clean up jobs and items
-Fixed Cigarbar boss menu
-Fixed Life Invader Heist Reward
-Fixed J Store doorlocks
-Temp fix for barber shops
-Trucking updates

-Lowered shop robbery cop requirement to 0
-Added a dispatch call in prep for a NEW HEIST
-Mining payout
-Added place to sell diamonds
-Moved PD Spawn to ne PD location
-PD MDT new links
-Moved around shop items
-Removed some shops
-Adjusted weapon damage for PD Pistols
-Adjusted weapon damage for Ammunation Pistols

06/03/2024 Update Log

-Vanilla Unicorn MLO
-Illegal doctor
-New admin menu
-Ballas MLO
-Clothing room and DJ booth to VU

-Fixes and adjustments for an MLO
-Pool tables updated with fixes
-TVs updated with fixes

-Buffed trucker XP amounts
-PD and EMS Radio Channels
-Mech shop crafting adjustments
-Lumberyard adjustments
-Removed boosting dispatch sound
-Handling adjustments

Hiring PD and EMS. Looking for mechanics and Business Owners!

06/06/2024 Update Log

-SWAT Bearcat
-New map
-New Cityhall
-New features added to themepark
-Gang Sprays
-New PD pistol

-Fixed PD Fuel never running out
-Bowling updates
-Radio Car updates
-Themepark updates
-Realestate Society and Payments
-Removed Pizza This
-Oxyrun fixes
-A spray not claiming turf
-VU Society
-PD Vehicle Fuel
-PD Weapon Holstor
-Males /pants
-Pillbox elevator zones
-Overall Phone fixes
-Tattoo fixes and updates
-Shop Robbery updates and fixes
-Yacht Heist updates and fixes

-Adjusted turf decay
-Cigarbar can craft more than 1 item at a time
-More selling corners

06/09/2024 Update Log

-DOJ boss menu
-DOJ Court, docs, government, add on stuff
-New crosshair
-New way of how harnesses work
-Added vehicle menu to F1 menu (Easier Access)

-Shop robbery payout
-Sign robbery and animations
-ATM robbery and Camping animations
-Barber shop updates
-CityHall updates
-Removed unnecessary script
-Removed scuffy crosshair
-Banking and Billing updates
-Crafting updates

-Loading Screen Names
-Mechanic crafting recipes
-Added some WL jobs to show under WL category on multijob

06/12/2024 Update Log

-Free Use Pawnshop
-New loading screen music
-2 gang sprays

-PD not getting calls for Lifeinvader Heist
-Townhall MLO updates
-EUR to USD banking and billing

-Fishing net
-Burgershot closed shop prices
-Cigarbar blip
-Scrapyard buffs

06/14/2024 Update Log

- Buff system
- Buffs when eating food from burgershot, half your thirst and hunger rate (More stuff will be added)
- New sound when entering a Helicopter or Plane
- Hats will stay on when entering a vehicle
- Vehicles can't be controlled mid air anymore. 
- New Command: "riderelaxed", A new animation style for when riding a bike in slower speeds.
- Armor from helmets is no longer a thing.
- Disabled "ninja" hit killing
- Taking damage don't knock off props. (Hats, glasses etc)
- No more auto helmets when entering a bike or aircraft
- Guns will not force auto reload when empty any more
- Engines will not auto start or auto shut off, needs to toggle the engine with keybind

06/19/2024 Update Log

-Pizza This
-Import bikes and import cars
-New dealership

-Vespucci Tattoo shop
-Added missing dispatch sounds
-Garbage collector updates and fixes
-Missing farming blips

-Loading Screen
-Longer Auto Nancy Timer
-Changed progress bar for ambulance script
-PD sees 311 calls
-How long sprays stay for (Now 7 days!)

2.0 is under development! Cops, EMS, crims, civs and business owners welcome!

Hiring PD and EMS. Looking for some restaurant owners!

Launch on Thursday! Join now. Hiring PD & EMS. Business Owners welcomed!

Project Genesis 2.0 launches today!



  • Casino food & drink items
  • Fixed police search player
  • Fixed hands up
  • Fixed robbing other players
  • Fixed advanced repair kits + regular repair kits
  • Fixed apartment stashes not having enough room


  • Fuel prices lowered again
  • Added 2 mats to recycle center
  • Cigar weights
  • Lowered van price
  • You can now see total amount of players in city through discord status
  • Trunk space again
  • Adjusted stress levels

ACTIVELY HIRING PD & Looking for a Chief of EMS


  • Loading screen music
  • My vehicle heist script updates ( I rewrote a few things ;))
  • Icons for police blips
  • Basketball


  • Trucker job showing red circles
  • Police Blips
  • Not being able to sell diamonds


  • Vehicle heist dispatch call
  • Lowered uwu shop prices to match other restaurants

HIRING PD & Looking for an EMS CHIEF. Join us today!

HIRING PD & Looking for an EMS CHIEF. Join us today!