
Since legally esx_customui can’t be used or downloaded due to copyright, I decided to build my own. And well, after weeks of study (and bashing my head on a wall), I’m finally close of releasing my own UI (which I’m going to call ESX Trew UI).

When I was coding it, I decided to move away from jQuery and code it on pure vanilla javascript. Right now I’m polishing the javascript part of it to make it run smoother on the game. There are some elements (like the microphone) which it’s visually the same of other scripts but they have a twist of my own. :slight_smile:

You can create your own “skins”, add translations (it’ll be localized), show or hide elements, change the font (you need to input the Google Font link of it), change the server logo and a bunch of other stuff.

Any suggestions will be really appreciated! :slight_smile:



how to download?

It’s not released yet. It’s a work in progress. :slight_smile:


ho ok

Uff piece of script: D


looks amazing , cant wait for the modifications !!

@Nelaam @Khaled_m.q Thank you! :smiley:

Its Not cool :slightly_frowning_face:

This Hud is nice: https://prnt.sc/nqb0zn

Both of them attend our necessities, right? One does not replace the other. :slight_smile:

wich is that one?

Can’t wait to get my hands on this!

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Looks good, i hope in good performance.
It looks like NUI, so you dont have to draw every frame right?

hud parfait pour ma part je vois rien a refaire ou a ajouter

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Yes, it is a NUI. Right now, I’m polishing the javascript in a way that doesn’t need to set/remove classes and content every time. Instead, I’m checking if the determined element is already set in the way I want and then, if it’s not, I’ll change it.


Merci! :smiley:

where is the download link

Very nice UI, hope you release it soon

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It’'s a preview/work in progress so it’s not released yet.

Thank you :slight_smile: